SBAB Bank AB (publ) gives notice of early redemption of additional tier 1 capital notes with ISIN SE0012193779


SBAB Bank AB (publ) (”SBAB”) announces that it will carry out an early redemption of all outstanding floating rate additional tier 1 capital notes issued on 5 September 2019 with ISIN SE0012193779 with a current aggregate nominal amount outstanding of SEK 1,600,000,000 (the “Notes”) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Notes (the “Terms and Conditions”).

SBAB will today, 5 of August 2024, send an irrevocable notice of early redemption to the noteholders of the Notes that the Notes will be redeemed in full by SBAB (the “Redemption”). The consent from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has been obtained in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

The Notes will be redeemed on 5 September 2024 (the “Redemption Date”), which corresponds to the first call date of the Notes under the Terms and Conditions and the record date for the Redemption will be 29 August 2024, (the “Record Date”), which corresponds to five business days prior to the Redemption Date.

The Notes will be redeemed at the price per Note equal to the nominal amount, i.e. SEK 2,000,000 per Note, together with accrued but unpaid interest. The redemption amount will be paid to each registered noteholder in the debt register, maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB, at end of business on the Record Date.

In connection with the Redemption the Notes will be delisted from Nasdaq Stockholm.

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About SBAB

SBAB’s business idea is to be innovative and considerate in its offering of loans and savings products and other services to private individuals, tenant-owners’ associations and property companies in Sweden. SBAB was founded in 1985 and is owned by the Swedish state. The housing site Booli and the estate agent guide HittaMäklare are part of SBAB’s secure and simple services for mortgages and household finances without the hassle. The number of residential mortgage customers was 291,000 and 652,000 private individuals had savings accounts (as of 30 June 2024). The number of employees (FTE) was 1 008. SBAB prioritises four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (8, 11, 12 and 13) within the 2030 Agenda framework. The goals are an integrated part of SBAB’s governance model for sustainable development and daily operations. Read more at:,,,,,

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