Falk Richter gives Shakespeare's King Lear a contemporary meta-perspective at Dramaten in Stockholm


The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm open this autumn with a free adaptation of William Shakespeare's King Lear by Falk Richter, one of Europe's most famous directors. Actor Peter Andersson is returning to Dramaten after twelve years and plays the leading role. Premiere on the big stage the 7 September.

Kung Lear/Peter Andersson. Photo: Cato Lein.
Kung Lear/Peter Andersson. Photo: Cato Lein.

King Lear is a multi-layered story of power, inheritance, generational clashes and a kingdom cast into chaos. In Falk Richter's version, the play also has a meta-perspective with a parallel story about a conflict-ridden theater production of King Lear.

-King Lear is one of the world's best plays with fascinating characters that I now will explore on stage. It is so exciting to be back at Dramaten and to realize my adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy. I am very impressed with how the Dramaten ensemble takes on the challenge, says Falk Richter.

- It is a heavy and challenging role and now also in an interesting adaptation by Falk Richter. It is of course also fun to play in King Lear on the same stage again. I played in Ingmar Bergman's production in 1984, says Peter Andersson.

Falk Richter is one of Europe's most well-known playwrights and directors who currently works at the Schaubühne in Berlin, Münchner Kammerspiele and Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg. At Dramaten, he has staged Safe during the Bergman Festival in 2018 and I am Europe in a European theater collaboration in 2019.

Peter Andersson is a well known Swedish actor who, among many other films, played one of the leading roles in the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. He also had a role in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit an action-thriller from 2014 direced by Kenneth Branagh.   

Cast: Peter Andersson, Erik Ehn, Victoria Dyrstad, Electra Hallman, Karin Franz Körlof, Magnus Roosmann, Björn Elgerd, Alexander Salzberger, Ana Gil de Melo Nascimento and Rasmus Luthander.




Kung Lear/Peter Andersson. Photo: Cato Lein.
Kung Lear/Peter Andersson. Photo: Cato Lein.
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Falk Richter. Press picture.
Falk Richter. Press picture.
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About us

The Royal Dramatic Theatre, best known as Dramaten, is Sweden’s national theatre. In accordance with its assignment from the Swedish government to preserve theatre history and promote the development of the dramatic arts, the Royal Dramatic Theatre produces performances of classical theatre, newly-written dramas and plays for children and youth. The Royal Dramatic Theatre is state-owned. CEO is Kitte Wagner and Mattias Andersson is the theatre manager and artistic director. 

The Royal Dramatic Theatre has been located in its current premises at Nybroplan since 1908. The  building houses four stages. The Main Stage seats up to 770 people. The Small Stage is in an adjoining building directly behind the Nybroplan building, on Almlöfsgatan. Since 1997, the Royal Dramatic Theatre also runs a stage  called Elverket, at Linnégatan 69, which since the autumn of 2021 is run together with Dansens Hus (International scene of contemporary dance in Sweden). 

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