National Memorial Service for Tsunami Victims
26 December is the 20th anniversary of the tsunami in South-East Asia that took many lives and affected us all. At the initiative of the King and Queen, a national memorial service will be held in Uppsala Cathedral and it will be broadcast live on Swedish Television.
At the memorial service in Uppsala Cathedral, we will remember and honour those who died, those who were affected in other ways and their families. We will gather in reflection and prayer. We will light candles and there will be singing and music.
Archbishop Martin Modéus and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson will be among those taking part in the service. H.M. The King and H.M. The Queen will attend. Diplomats, parliamentary party leaders and ecumenical guests are invited to the service. A collection will be made for the Church of Sweden abroad.
The service will be broadcast live on Swedish Television and will be open to the public.
Time and venue
Date: 26 December 2024
Venue: Uppsala Cathedral
Time: 16:00 (press seats must have been taken by 15:30. Worshippers must have taken their seats by 15:50.)
Please email your editorial office, name and mobile phone number to by Thursday, 19 December
Journalists and photographers covering the service must wear a name badge. Name badges are handed out by Martin Larsson, Press Officer, at the press/photo seats in the north (left) side aisle, level with the central altar, in Uppsala Cathedral.
Press secretary on duty
Tel:+46 18 16 94 75Martin Larsson
Tel:070-609 86 89martin.larsson@svenskakyrkan.seMikael StjernbergPress Secretary for Archbishop Martin Modéus
Tel:+46-72-237 28 86mikael.stjernberg@svenskakyrkan.seThe Church of Sweden is a national church, open to everyone living in Sweden regardless of nationality. It is a place for church services, meetings and dialogue. The Church of Sweden is an Evangelical Lutheran church with 5,5 million members. There are 3500 churches in Sweden, and 13 dioceses.
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