Alice Birch, Bergman and much more at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm spring 2025
Mattias Andersson adapts Ingmar Bergman's script Shame for our time. [BLANK] by Alice Birch on the main stage. Ernst Tollers Hinkemann directed by BITEF Grand Prix-winner Anja Suša. Strindbergs The Pelican in the hands of Emil Graffman. Linus Tunström stages his fathers novel The Christmas Oratorio. Actor Johan Rabaues in a monologue about Gertrude Stein. Documentary stories about masculinity, criminality and revenge in The fathers. And for the families: a thrilling crime story in Jefferson by Jean-Claude Mourlevat, awarded Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA).
– How do we create theater about the big issues of our time? About wars, about gang shootings, about segregation and burning political conflicts. But also about love, loss, longing and human dreams. As a national scene in Sweden we will do our best to continue create attractive performing arts that range from the near local to the universally universal, says Mattias Andersson, artistic director at The Royal Dramatic Theatre.
Below are all the premieres in chronological order.
Skammen/Shame by Ingmar Bergman/Mattias Andersson, premiere 1 February
Director Mattias Andersson, has adapted Bergman's script for our time. He previously staged Skammen (Shande) at Thalia Theater in Hamburg in 2024.
Pelikanen/The Pelican by August Strindberg, premiere 6 February
Strindberg's Pelikanen (The Pelican) from 1907 is a macabre chamber play about a family manipulated by a self-absorbed matriarch. In the role of the mother, we see Lena Endre, who has recently been praised for her performances in Vox Humana (directed by Thomas Ostermeier) and Tid för glädje (directed by Stephane Braunschweig). Directed by Emil Graffman.
Jefferson, by Jean-Claude Mourlevat, premiere 15 February
Adventure and crime meets social criticism and humor when the award-winning children's novel Jefferson becomes theater. The book is written by the French author Jean-Claude Mourlevat, who was awarded the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) in 2021. Direction by Olle Törnqvist.
Gertrude Stein, Gertrude Stein, Gertrude Stein, by Marty Martin, premiere 16 February
Martin's monologue about the outspoken art collector and writer Gertrude Stein played by Johan Rabaeus, directed by Carl-Johan Karlson and set design by celebrated Swedish artist Ernst Billgren.
Hinkemann, by Ernst Toller, premiere 13 March
Ernst Toller’s tragedy from 1923, is an absurd play about bearing trauma, about society's inability to cope with it, and about the impossibility of love in such a reality. Directed by Anja Suša who recently won the Grand Prix at BITEF in Belgrade for her staging of #Jeanne for Dramaten.
Juloratoriet/The Christmas Oratorio, by Göran Tunström, premiere 22 March
A family story over three generations and two continents - with the relation between fathers and sons in focus. Göran Tunström's celebrated novel from 1983 staged by his son Linus Tunström.
Papporna/The Fathers, by Alexandra Pascalidou adapted and directed by Alexander Salzberger, premiere 17 April
In the report book Where are the fathers? Alexandra Pascalidou allows 29 fathers with experiences of violence, crime and exclusion to speak. Now the book becomes theater in a production where the fathers' stories are reflected in the timeless tragedies of antiquity and in the actors' own experiences.
[BLANK], by Alice Birch, premiere 8 May
Some of the leading actresses in Sweden in [BLANK], Alice Birch play about women who have come into contact with the legal system and social services. Directed by Maria Åberg, who also staged the world premiere in London.
Dämon - El funeral de Bergman, by Angelica Liddell
Dramaten is a key partner for Angelica Liddells new production that opened Festival D'Avignon on June 29, and continues to tour before reaching Dramaten in the autumn of 2025. Angelica Liddell channels Swedish filmmaker and director Ingmar Bergman, who wrote the script for his funeral as if it were his final masterpiece, and takes him at his word. Surrounded by actresses and actors from Dramaten and by her usual accomplices from her company, the great Spanish performer invites us to gaze on our buried fantasies and unspoken terrors, until we have to face the final demon: not Death, but Vanity.
Read more about the spring repertoare here! Repertoire
Lena TörnerPressansvarig/Head of press
Tel:0046 (0)703-72 61 47lena.torner@dramaten.seBilder
Om oss
The Royal Dramatic Theatre, best known as Dramaten, is Sweden’s national theatre. In accordance with its assignment from the Swedish government to preserve theatre history and promote the development of the dramatic arts, the Royal Dramatic Theatre produces performances of classical theatre, newly-written dramas and plays for children and youth. The Royal Dramatic Theatre is state-owned. CEO is Kitte Wagner and Mattias Andersson is the theatre manager and artistic director.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre has been located in its current premises at Nybroplan since 1908. The building houses four stages. The Main Stage seats up to 770 people. The Small Stage is in an adjoining building directly behind the Nybroplan building, on Almlöfsgatan. Since 1997, the Royal Dramatic Theatre also runs a stage called Elverket, at Linnégatan 69, which since the autumn of 2021 is run together with Dansens Hus (International scene of contemporary dance in Sweden).
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