Kungliga Operan

Historic agreement about the Royal Swedish Opera house


On Wednesday, January 22 , the Royal Swedish Opera and the National Property Board of Sweden (SFV) presented a historic joint renovation plan for the Opera House. The ancient National Stage for opera and ballet will have modernised, functional premises and all artistic activities will stay together within the same building. This is made possible by a joint funding by the  government and private donations to the Royal Swedish Opera.

The Royal Swedish Opera 2025. Photo: Markus Gårder
The Royal Swedish Opera 2025. Photo: Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera

»Finally we have a strong and well-anchored plan for how the Royal Swedish Opera House will be renovated and developed. It is with great pride and joy that I note that we have found solutions that create good conditions for the long-term sustainable development of our business as the National Stage for opera and ballet in Sweden«, says Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of the Royal Swedish Opera.

The renovation plan includes an extension of approximately 2,300 square metres towards the park Kungsträdgården to enable the Opera House to meet future needs. Among other things, it enables a new entrance from Jakobs Torg that leads up to an audience foyer and a spacious second stage, which will primarily be filled with performances aimed at children and young people. In addition, three new functional ballet rehearsal rooms and a new terrace for the audience will be built on top of Café Opera with a view of Kungsträdgården. This gives the Royal Swedish Opera a natural and attractive location in the middle of one of Stockholm's most popular areas.

The proposal fulfils the Royal Swedish Opera's wishes to keep the artistic collective (musicians, dancers and singers) together under the same roof. In addition to improving the working environment and improving the building's logistics, the audience will also notice improved acoustics in the auditorium as well as increased accessibility and convenience in the public areas.

»The Opera building is in urgent need of renovation. Now we have agreed upon the way forward. We will propose a solution that gives our tenants the opportunity to conduct their long-term operations in the building at the highest level. In addition, the new proposal will safeguard the building's cultural-historical values in an exemplary way«, says Max Elger, Director General of the National Property Board of Sweden (SFV).

SFV manages the opera building and is also responsible for the upcoming project. It will be the largest and most complex renovation in the authority's history. SFV is based on the SEK 3.2 billion previously mentioned for the renovation of the Opera building. However, the extension is ensured through private donations made by the Royal Swedish Opera. The donations enable both construction and artistic design, interior design and equipment in the extension. There has been a strong commitment and interest from private donors to participate and co-finance the initiative, which also means that the Opera can work even more actively with new artistic formats and broaden the audience.

»I am extremely pleased that together with the National Property Board of Sweden and Operakällaren, we have been able to find a common way forward. The solution we are now presenting would not have been possible without the private funds donated to the Royal Swedish Opera. The donations amount to SEK 300 million, evenly divided between Antonia Ax:son Johnson and family, the Erling-Persson Foundation and the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation. I would like to extend a special thank you for this invaluable support that enables a greater investment in children and young people, not least through the new second stage that is now becoming a reality«, says Fredrik Lindgren.

Emergency maintenance measures are already underway on the building's roof and facades. The Royal Swedish Opera will give its performances in the newly constructed stage Gasometer in Stockholm area Norra Djurgårdstaden from the beginning of 2027 until 2032.

Facts about the opera building

  • Built 1891–1898
  • Approximately 40,000 square meters
  • Approximately 1,400 rooms spread over twelve floors
  • National Monument



Fredrik Lindgren, CEO Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
Fredrik Lindgren, CEO Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
Royal Swedish Opera
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About the Royal Swedish Opera

Founded in 1773, Sweden's National Stage for opera and ballet in the center of Stockholm is also the home of the Royal Swedish Ballet and The Royal Swedish Orchestra, founded in 1526.


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