33 träffar#Fleet Support

Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB

Mycket hög andel elbilar som privatleasas21.1.2025 09:15:49 CET | Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

Under 2024 registrerades totalt 41 702 nya privatleasingavtal. Det motsvarar 45 procent av de hushåll som skaffade en ny bil under året. 30 procent valde billån, det vill säga ett lån med bilen som säkerhet. När hushållen skaffar en ny elbil sker det i hela 48 procent av fallen genom privatleasing och i 39 procent av fallen genom billån. Sammanlagt är alltså 87 procent av hushållens nya elbilar finansierade av bilfinansieringsbolag, vilket är en kraftig ökning från 75 procent föregående år. Leasing av begagnade bilar fortsätter att växa kraftigt, särskilt tydligt är det när det gäller elbilar. Även när företag väljer bil är leasing fortsatt helt dominerande. Företagen väljer främst laddbara bilar. Mindre än 15 procent av företagens bilfinansierade fordon är inte laddbara. Offentlig sektor går i en annan riktning med ökad andel fossildrivna bilar Bifogat finner ni hela rapporten över hur Sveriges mobilitet såg ut för 2024
Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB

Volkswagen Financial Services förstärker sin position inom bilfinansiering20.1.2025 13:47:08 CET | Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

Volkswagen Financial Services (VFS) ökade sin marknadsandel inom privatleasing med 10 procent 2024. Marknadsandelen inom detta segment ligger nu på 35 procent. VFS bibehåller även tillväxten inom storkundsegmentet där marknadsandelen ökade från 8,9 procent 2023 till 9,3 procent 2024. VFS befäster därmed sin position som den största aktören på den svenska marknaden för finansiering av nya bilar.
news aktuell GmbH

FEV develops AI-supported driver monitoring system CogniSafe9.1.2025 11:00:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Aachen – FEV, a leading global innovation driver for the mobility of tomorrow, presents CogniSafe, a state-of-the-art Driver Monitoring System (DMS) that significantly increases road safety. The system uses advanced technologies such as deep learning and computer vision to monitor driver conditions such as distraction, fatigue and inattention in real time and under even the most challenging conditions.
Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB

Ökad andel privatleasade elbilar17.9.2024 09:32:54 CEST | Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

44 procent av hushållen som skaffar en ny bil väljer att finansiera den genom privatleasing. 28 procent väljer istället billån via ett finansbolag. Knappt var tredje privat bilköpare finansierar bilen på egen hand, exempelvis med sparade pengar eller att låna på annan säkerhet än bilen. Nya elbilar som säljs till privatpersoner är oftast privatleasade eller finansierade med billån. Under årets åtta första månader syns en ökning i andelen elbilar som leasas eller finansieras genom billån bland privatkunder. Boomers och millennials är de generationer som oftast väljer privatleasing. Denna rapport - "Bilfinanshjulet" - är framtagen av Volkswagen Financial Services Sverige och kommer att återkomma kvartalsvis
news aktuell GmbH

Gerhard Burits takes on new role at the ELATEC Group / RFID specialist ELATEC: New management duo with many years of experience23.7.2024 09:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Munich, July 23, 2024 – Gerhard Burits expands his responsibilities and assumes the role of CEO of the ELATEC Group. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the company structure and his strategic foresight, he is ideally qualified to reinforce ELATEC’s position as an innovation leader in global competition. The management board will have joint leaders at the helm: Also on board is Paul Massey, who, as CEO of ELATEC Inc., is now also taking on the role of COO of the ELATEC Group and contributing his international expertise to a greater extent.
Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB

En stark privatleasingmarknad4.6.2024 09:17:29 CEST | Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

Leasing fortsatt den mest populära finansieringsformen för nya bilar. 46 procent av hushållen som skaffar en ny bil väljer att finansiera den genom privatleasing. 27 procent väljer istället billån via ett finansbolag. Bara drygt var fjärde privat bilköpare finansierar bilen på egen hand, exempelvis med sparade pengar eller att låna på annan säkerhet än bilen. Även när företag väljer bil är leasing fortsatt helt dominerande. Men till skillnad från hushållen fortsätter företagen att välja laddbara bilar. Denna rapport - "Bilfinanshjulet" - är framtagen av Volkswagen Financial Services Sverige och kommer att återkomma månatligen.
news aktuell GmbH

Elatec Brings Employee Badge for Apple Wallet to Users17.4.2024 08:30:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Munich, April 17, 2024 – Elatec today announced it is bringing employee badge in Apple Wallet to its customers, enabling an organization’s employees or tenants to unlock access to locations and devices with a simple tap of their iPhone or Apple Watch. Powered by Elatec’s Mobile Credential Manager software, which works hand-in-hand with Elatec’s universal RFID readers, this brings together the world’s most powerful and versatile readers with the best mobile access system available. Employee badge in Apple Wallet helps deliver a convenient and contactless experience for users. Once enabled, employee badge in Apple Wallet allows users to seamlessly and securely add their employee badge to Apple Wallet, and hold their iPhone or Apple Watch near an NFC reader to unlock office doors, turnstiles, elevators and key card-protected amenity spaces — eliminating the need to open an app or present a traditional, plastic access key. With Express Mode, employees do not need to unlock their device to
Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB

Volkswagen Finans Sverige och Fleet Support fortsätter att öka inom vagnparksadministration 202312.1.2024 15:19:24 CET | Volkswagen Finans Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

Fleet Support växer mer än marknaden och är fortsatt den aktör som ökat mest de senaste tre åren inom segmentet vagnparksadministration. Föregående år, med stor osäkerhet i vår omvärld vilket genererat den största makroekonomiska omställningen sedan 2008, avslutas med en stark portföljökning. Fokus på kvalitet i vår leverans, digitalt stöd för vagnparken och bra stöd kring minimering av miljöavtrycket upplevs mycket positivt av både befintliga samt nya kunder och är viktiga anledningar till vår ökning.
news aktuell GmbH

EUROJET signs contract with NETMA to provide 48 new EJ200 engines for the Spanish Air Force23.6.2022 17:07:26 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

ILA Berlin Air Show, Thursday, 23 June 2022, 16:00 EUROJET Turbo GmbH (EUROJET), the consortium responsible for the EJ200 engine installed in the Eurofighter Typhoon, has today signed a contract with the NATO Eurofighter & Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) to provide 48 new EJ200 engines for the Spanish Air Force. The contract, signed at the ILA Berlin Air Show, between General Miguel Ángel Martín Pérez, General Manager of NETMA and Gerhard Bähr, CEO of EUROJET, covers EJ200 engines for the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft as part of Project Halcón. The aircraft will enter service on the Canary Islands, adding to the existing Spanish fleet of 70 Eurofighters. In common with all EJ200 engines for the Spanish Air Force, final assembly of the engines will be conducted by ITP Aero at their Ajalvir facility with deliveries scheduled from 2024 onwards. Production of the engine modules will be performed by the four partner companies of the EUROJET consortium; Rolls-Royce, MTU Aero Engines
Brenderup Group

Tysse will be part of Brenderup Group9.3.2022 13:30:00 CET | Brenderup Group | Press Release

Storskogen has entered into an agreement to acquire the shares in Tysse Mekaniske Verksted AS (”Tysse”) via its subsidiary Brenderup Group. Tysse is one of the leading Norwegian manufacturer and supplier of trailers with a reported turnover of NOK 241m for the financial year 2021. “We are very happy to welcome Tysse to Brenderup Group. Tysse has a great product portfolio comprising high quality products, a strong brand and a modern production facility. We expect to see several opportunities for the companies to work together in close collaboration,” says Stefan Petersén, CEO of Brenderup Group.

Elatec introduces TWN4 MultiTech Nano LEGIC 63 M17.12.2021 10:45:00 CET | Elatec | Pressmeddelande

Time recording and mobility: New reader for mobile authentication The multifrequency RFID readers in Elatec's TWN4 MultiTech Nano product family are designed, for example, to be used in the mobility and time and attendance sectors. Now, the company has expanded the product line with the TWN4 MultiTech Nano LEGIC 63 M, which offers users maximum flexibility and security in authentication. Thanks to LEGIC Connect, the reader can process not only cards but also mobile access authorizations.

Elatec Receives Patent for USB Rotary Connector5.10.2021 11:00:00 CEST | Elatec | Press Release

360° Mounting: Reader with a Special Twist Munich – Elatec's TWN4 USB Front Reader makes it easy to retrofit authentication solutions with a plug & play solution. Elatec has now been granted a patent in Europe and the USA for the reader's USB rotary connector. This enables a unique 360° mounting of the reader. With this extraordinary solution, the company once again demonstrates its innovation and customer orientation. A USB interface is all that is needed for fast, easy set-up of authentication solutions for applications such as secure printing or single sign-on. The TWN4 USB Front Reader from Elatec can simply be plugged into any device. Plug & play set-up also works when space is tight, for example, due to structural conditions or proximity to other devices. This is because the RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) reader is equipped with a patented USB rotary connector, the only one on the market that allows 360° mounting. This means that the extremely compact reader (with dimensio

Europe’s leading mobility platform FREE NOW increases BEV tours by 71% in 202116.9.2021 10:49:44 CEST | FREE NOW | Press Release

After introducing its Move To Net-Zero carbon emissions initiative earlier this year, FREE NOW announces its achievements in 2021 on the occasion of the European Mobility Week, which starts today Since January 2021, FREE NOW trips using Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) have grown by 71% and the platform has added 20% new BEV active drivers In addition, FREE NOW has integrated almost 130,000 new eScooters, eBikes and electric shared cars in the app, widening its green mobility offer and becoming the mobility platform with the biggest vehicle choice in Europe FREE NOW has offset 173,000 tons of CO2 emissions, covering all the emissions produced by the company and its services from the beginning of 2020 onwards The leading mobility platform will participate in the EU Mobility Week with a number of different activities to raise awareness of sustainable urban mobility Hamburg, September 16 2021 - FREE NOW, Europe’s leading multi-service mobility platform, today publishes its latest electric

FREE NOW announces international partnership with Cooltra12.5.2021 10:00:00 CEST | FREE NOW | Pressmeddelande

Cooltra’s eMopeds are available via the FREE NOW app in Spain, Portugal and Italy. The alliance reinforces FREE NOW’s position as a leading platform in multimodal, urban and sustainable mobility and its goal of achieving net zero by 2030. Booking, payment and license registration can be processed directly through the FREE NOW app. Hamburg, May 12th - FREE NOW, Europe’s leading multi mobility platform, and Cooltra, a European leader in sustainable micro mobility, announce their international partnership. From today on, FREE NOW users will be able to book the more than 7,500 electric scooters that Cooltra has in 6 European cities directly via the FREE NOW app: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Lisbon, Rome and Milan. For the first time, users in Spain and Portugal can book a third party provider service via the FREE NOW app. In Italy, it is the second third-party integration after eScooter provider Voi. With this deal, thousands of Cooltra eMopeds become available via their usual account - no
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