1201 träffarBIL Sweden

East Sweden Game

SPELMAKAREN – nyillustrerad utgåva av hyllad bok om svensk spelhistoria och ett av landets mest dynamiska spelkluster28.3.2025 08:00:00 CET | East Sweden Game | Pressmeddelande

Efter en uppmärksammad debut förra året är SPELMAKAREN tillbaka i en ny, illustrerad utgåva. Boken, skriven av entreprenören och spelveteranen Tomas Ahlström, har hyllats för sitt insiktsfulla och personliga porträtt av den svenska spelbranschens framväxt – från hemdatorns introduktion till dagens globala succéer.
Kommuninvest English

Kommuninvest launches first social bond24.3.2025 09:45:27 CET | Kommuninvest English | Pressmeddelande

Kommuninvest is taking a significant step in its work towards social sustainability by launching our first social bond. The bond, which has a long three-year maturity with fixed interest rate and maturing on September 1, 2028, will be presented to investors on March 25, with the support of Danske Bank, SEB, and Swedbank as Joint Lead Managers. The bond aims to finance projects with specific social goals and strengthen our commitment to a social sustainable development.
AI Sweden

Föreningen FVO vinner pris för bästa AI-lösning på Impact Hack 202514.3.2025 07:00:00 CET | AI Sweden | Pressmeddelande

Föreningen FVO belönades för sitt AI-verktyg för att samordna och matcha ekonomiskt stöd via FVO till behövande hushåll. Organisationen som årligen tar emot 13 000 ansökningar ser att AI-verktyget kan skapa stort värde för både sökande, utredare och stiftelser. – Vi är mycket glada för denna möjlighet att med hjälp av AI kunna göra det enklare för den som är ekonomiskt utsatt att få lite extra stöttning, säger Magnus Bodin, utvecklingsstrateg på Föreningen FVO.
Kommuninvest English

Kommuninvest issues USD 1.25 billion in new benchmark bond13.3.2025 17:53:00 CET | Kommuninvest English | Pressmeddelande

Kommuninvest today issued USD 1.25 billion (approximately SEK 12.5 billion) in a new bond maturing on April 21, 2027. This was the first USD transaction of the year and demand was high and diversified from many leading investors. The order book consisted of over 45 investors, with a total interest of above USD 2.5 billion. The bond was priced at 31 basis points above mid-swaps and 15 basis points above corresponding US Treasuries. – Kommuninvest continue to show presence in the USD market, with strong and diversified demand from many leading investors. The USD market is crucial in our efforts to secure cost-effective financing for investments in the Swedish municipal sector, says Viktor Mejman, Funding Manager at Debt Management at Kommuninvest. Transaction details: Press Points For further information: Tobias Landström, Head of Debt Management, phone: +46 70 586 78 51 e-mail: tobias.landstrom@kommuninvest.se Viktor Mejman, Funding Manager at Debt Management, phone +46 73 805 08 65 e-m
Schibsted Media

Schibsted Media ingår avtal om att köpa TV4 i Sverige och MTV i Finland från Telia Company25.2.2025 07:01:34 CET | Schibsted Media | Pressmeddelande

Schibsted Media har ingått en överenskommelse om att förvärva Telia Companys TV & Media-verksamhet (TVM), som omfattar TV4 i Sverige och MTV i Finland. Överenskommelsen om att köpa två av de mest populära tv-kanalerna i Sverige och Finland befäster Schibsted Medias strategi att stärka oberoende journalistik, investera i kvalitets-innehåll och utveckla attraktiva medieprodukter i hela Norden.
Svenska Cheerleadingförbundet

Klart: EM i cheerleading hålls i Sverige 202725.2.2025 07:00:00 CET | Svenska Cheerleadingförbundet | Pressmeddelande

Nu står det klart att EM i cheerleading arrangeras i Helsingborg år 2027. Beslutet klubbades igenom på senaste Europakonferensen i cheerleading i februari. Arrangörer för EM är Svenska Cheerleadingförbundet och Helsingborgs stad, och Visit Skåne är partner till evenemanget. Senast EM i cheerleading anordnades i Sverige var 14 år sedan – nu samlas Europas cheerleadingelit i Sverige igen. – Kul med stor konkurrens i den högsta nivån och att kunna visa den nivån av cheerleading på hemmaplan – sjukt häftigt, säger utövaren Sandra Karström, som vann “European Athlete of the Year” på EM 2024.
Första AP-fonden

Stable execution and US stock market records contributed to strong performance21.2.2025 09:00:00 CET | Första AP-fonden | Press Release

The year 2024 was impacted by the strong US economy and new record levels in the US stock markets. Easing inflationary pressures and weaker real economic growth prompted more central banks to cut policy rates in 2024 than the world has seen in many years. Through a carefully considered portfolio positioning and focused execution, Första AP-fonden's return landed at 9.9%.
Kommuninvest English

Kommuninvest issues SEK 3 billion in new bond11.2.2025 11:00:00 CET | Kommuninvest English | Pressmeddelande

Kommuninvest today issued SEK 3 billion (USD 0.27 billion) in a new bond under the Swedish Benchmark Program. The new bond, labeled K3011, matures on November 12, 2030, and will be added to the calendar for the program’s weekly auctions. The transaction, which had a bid-to-cover ratio of 2.85, was priced 30.56 basis points above mid-swaps and approximately 58 basis points above the corresponding Swedish government bond. – Having long-term investors on board is important both for the development of the program and for our ability to secure cost-effective financing for the municipal sector’s investments in Sweden, says Tobias Landström, Head of Debt Management at Kommuninvest. For further information: Tobias Landström, Head of Debt Management, phone: +46 70 586 78 51 e-mail: tobias.landstrom@kommuninvest.se Marcus Waineby, Team Lead of Debt Management, phone +46 70 696 77 69 e-mail: marcus.waineby@kommuninvest.se Victoria Preger, Chief Communication Officer, phone: +46 70 266 87 26 e-mai
P Capital Partners

M&G acquires majority stake in leading European private credit business, P Capital Partners6.2.2025 08:00:00 CET | P Capital Partners | Press Release

London 6 February – M&G Investments today announces that it has agreed to acquire a majority stake in P Capital Partners (PCP). A leading European private credit business in the corporate non- sponsor sector, it supports entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses to grow and sustainable technologies to scale. With origins dating back to 2002, PCP boasts one of the longest track records in European direct lending, using the same cycle-tested investment process to invest in more than 170 companies. It specialises in providing bespoke financing solutions to mid-sized businesses who often encounter challenges in securing loans through traditional channels and may not wish to sell equity stakes to fuel growth. PCP has been offering sustainability-linked loans for the past decade and has a strong reputation for investing with purpose, which has gained traction with large institutional investors. PCP will become part of M&G Investments’ £73 billion private markets business, complementing its e
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