2 träffarMaryam Zaree

ARD Presse

CIVIS Media Prize 2021 | Honours for 8 programmes, plus one Top Award21.5.2021 14:00:00 CEST | ARD Presse | Press Release

21.05.2021 Cologne | The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2021 have been announced. The main prize of €15,000, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the podcast Rice and Shine | Hamburg 1980: Als der rechte Terror wieder aufflammte by the authors Minh Thu Tran and Vanessa Vu. The podcast addresses the arson attack on a refugee shelter in Hamburg, in which two young men from Vietnam died in August 1980. The production also picks up the podcast audience prize CIVIS AUDIO AWARD Podcast. Anja Buwert and Thilo Mischke receive the prize in the category of VIDEO AWARD/Information for ProSieben Spezial. Rechts. Deutsch. Radikal (PQPP2 GmbH | ProSieben). Stefanie Kremser is the winner of the VIDEO AWARD/Entertainment category for Herren (ARTE Deutschland/BR/Das Erste). Michel Abdollahi, Miriam Anna Hochhard, Janina Kalle, Daphne Ivana Sagner, Jan-Nicholas Vogt, Robert Weitkamp are winners in the category of VIDEO AWARD/Social Media Formats for Darf ich dir
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