28 träffarMy Money

news aktuell GmbH

Reinhard Mohn Prize awarded to Maia Sandu and Michael Otto20.2.2025 15:00:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Gütersloh – February 20, 2025. The Bertelsmann Stiftung today awarded the 2025 Reinhard Mohn Prize to the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, and to entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Otto. In keeping with the title of this year’s prize – “Strengthen democracy!” – it presented the award in recognition of both recipients’ commitment to democratic values and a free society. At Gütersloh Theater, before an audience of some 500 guests, Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Liz Mohn, honorary member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Board of Trustees and the foundation’s global representative, gave the presentation speeches. The two award winners will share the prize money totaling €200,000 euros and will donate it to non-profit projects and initiatives. The Bertelsmann Stiftung broadcast the ceremony via livestream. “In a crisis-torn world, democracy faces enormous challenges,” said Liz Mohn. “Maintaining, developing and strengthening democracy was one of t
Sweden International Horse Show

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour crowned Lövsta Top 10 Dressage champion after sensational personal best1.12.2024 17:58:00 CET | Sweden International Horse Show | Pressmeddelande

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour (DEN) and Mount St John Freestyle showcased their very best in The Lövsta Top 10 Dressage Final in Stockholm, resulting in a place on top of the podium and a personal best for the rider with impressive 90.715 percent. The reward? More than 71 000 Euro in prize money. “She allows me to ride super nicely and smoothly, making everything easier,” Laudrup-Dufour said, when talking about her lovely mare.

Spring 2023 at Dramaten, featuring Ahmed El Attar, Nina Wähä and Niki Tsappos9.11.2022 15:55:52 CET | Dramaten | Press Release

The author Nina Wähä and the playwright Ahmed El Attar have both written new plays for Dramaten. Klaus Mann’s Mefisto, directed by Natalie Ringler, opens on the Main Stage, and Thomas Ostermeier produces the monologue Vox humana. Choreographer Niki Tsappos explores rhythm in a new dance performance for Unga Dramaten. Also, classics such as Chekhov’s Körsbärsträdgården (The Cherry Orchard) in the hands of director Michael Thalheimer, and Shakespeare’s Stormen (The Tempest) in a new, improved version by Staffan Valdemar Holm. Today, Mattias Andersson, director and artistic director of Dramaten, and the actor Electra Hallman presented the spring repertoire.
Gothenburg Horse Show

World premiere for the Lövsta Future Challenge International Tour12.9.2022 10:00:00 CEST | Gothenburg Horse Show | Pressmeddelande

FacebookLinkedInTwitterLadda ned som PDF Through a unique collaboration between Lövsta Future Challenge and FEI World Cup™ organizers Gothenburg Horse Show, Jumping Amsterdam and World Cup Vilhelmsborg, the new Lövsta Future Challenge International Tour, which is aimed at dressage U25 riders, is now launching. The concept creates opportunities for U25 riders to compete in the international arenas where FEI Dressage World Cup™ events are also held.
PR & Beyond


Available Tomorrow, The Track Features Guest Artists Ty Dolla $ign And Bella Alubo, And Includes Samples Of Biggie From The Classic Track, “I Love The Dough” The Empire State Building Will Illuminate Red And White, With A Crown Spinning In Its Mast To Honor The Late Rapper On May 21, Which Would Have Been His 50th Birthday; A Lighting Ceremony Will Take Place The Day Before On May 20 Lincoln Center Will Host An Orchestral Tribute To The Legendary Rapper On June 10 The Life After Death 25th Anniversary Super Deluxe 8-LP Boxed Set Will Be Released On The Same Day

Är trygghetsfrågorna viktiga - follow the money...24.9.2021 15:00:00 CEST | Livsmedelshandlarna | Blogginlägg

Det är mycket prat om vikten av att bekämpa brott och knäcka gäng. Tittar vi på pengarnas väg träder en anna bild fram. https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2021/09/okning-av-polismyndighetens-anslag/ https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vast/tre-tusen-underskrifter-polisen-kraver-inrikesministern-pa-hardare-tag https://www.regeringen.se/rattsliga-dokument/proposition/2021/09/prop.-2021221/
Swedish Prosecution Authority

A person indicted for espionage22.2.2021 10:27:45 CET | Swedish Prosecution Authority | Pressmeddelande

Today, a 47-year old man has been indicted for espionage. The person is suspected of meeting a Russian diplomat over a number of years with the purpose of providing information in return for money. The investigation has been undertaken by the Swedish Security Service under the direction of a prosecutor at the National Security Unit of the Swedish Prosecution Authority. The prosecutor is available for the media today.
Sweden International Horse Show

Super success in the Saab Top 10 final2.12.2018 18:11:16 CET | Sweden International Horse Show | Press Release

Expectations were high for Sunday’s Saab Top 10 Dressage Grand Prix Freestyle to music and the world’s top-ranked riders would not disappoint the enthusiastic crowd. For the ten riders, the stakes were high with a total of 232,000 Euro in prize money. Everyone was on the edge of their seats when start number eight entered the arena. Isabelle Werth (GER) and Weihegold OLD, who won Saturday’s Top 10 class, were for sure crowd favorites. Isabell took it in stride, saying in a pre-ride interview:– Our program has a high level of difficulty and we will do our best to deliver but we’re going there to have a lot of fun! Isabell did just that and won with 89.775%. The victory was worth a total of 70,000 Euro. - Watching Isabell ride makes you warm inside and she has an incredible understanding of her horse. - The level of riding here is exceptional and the music and compositions are very good. It doesn’t get any better than this, said expert commentator Pether Markne. Patrik Kittel (SWE) and D

Dramatens repertoar våren 201914.11.2018 10:15:00 CET | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

Våren 2019 bjuder Dramaten på Shakespeares Hamlet på Stora scenen i regi av Sofia Jupither, med Adam Lundgren i huvudrollen. Lars Norén är tillbaka på Dramaten med urpremiären av den första delen i trilogin om åldrande och avsked, Andante, och Cirkus Cirkör gör i samarbete med Dramaten och Malmö Stadsteater en föreställning av Gunilla Thorgrens Guds olydiga revben. Senare i vår görs en unik samproduktion mellan fem teatrar i Europa i föreställningen I am Europe i regi av Falk Richter. Stefan Larsson regisserar den moderna klassikern Linje lusta av Tennessee Williams och Sara Bergmark Elfgren har dramatiserat Selma Lagerlöfs Bortbytingen. HÅLLA ANDAN av Zinnie Harris regisseras av Lena Endre och både Helen Sjöholm och Vanna Rosenberg medverkar i en nyskriven pjäs, Hugh och Nancys många världar, skriven och regisserad av Lars Rudolfsson. På Elverket regisserar Runar Hodne Orfeus stiger ner. I samarbete med Nobel Center görs en ny Performance Lecture: Om lycka - med Micael Dahlen, profess
Sweden International Horse Show

Isabell Werth first champion of Saab Top 10 Dressage3.12.2017 15:15:24 CET | Sweden International Horse Show | Press Release

The very first champion of Saab Top 10 Dressage has been crowned. It is Isabell Werth (GER) with Emilio 107 on 86,875%. Runner up is Sweden’s Patrik Kittel and his mare Deja on 83,000% and in third place Helen Langehanenberg (GER) and Damsey FRH on 82,665%. Helen Langehanenberg is riding 15-year-old Damsey FRH, a horse she has only had since 2016. The horse has, despite his age, developed a lot the past year and during the program he is light in his movements, calm, secure and safe. Langehanenberg pulls off a really nice show with a refreshing test for the audience. With a personal best of 82,665% she really sets the pressure of the three riders left in the final. - I am super happy with my test, Damsey was so fresh but relaxed today, when we entered the arena he just wanted to do this, says Helen Langehanenberg and continues: - I don’t know what I could have done better. I’m ending up third today, I hadn’t really expect that. I love doing the freestyle and the horse was just perfect!
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

Moneybrother är tillbaka - med turnépremiär i Uppsala 1/2 20181.11.2017 10:23:00 CET | Uppsala Konsert & Kongress | Pressmeddelande

Moneybrother är tillbaka - med turnépremiär i Uppsala! Efter att ha spelat under eget namn i ett antal år har Anders Wendin äntligen valt att återuppväcka sitt gamla Moneybrother-alias. Det är med det han har fått Sverige att både dansa och gråta på samma gång och byggt upp en fantastisk karriär och stor publik. De andra projekten i all ära, men det är som Moneybrother han verkligen etsat sig in i det svenska folkhemmet. Den positionen kommer med största säkerhet att befästas ytterligare hösten 2017, då han också deltar i den nya säsongen av TV-succén "Så Mycket Bättre". I början av 2017 genomfördes de första Moneybrother-spelningarna på närmare fyra år. Med fullt band och en svårslagen katalog blev turnén en euforisk upplevelse för alla som lyckades lägga vantarna på en biljett – och ett kvitto på att Moneybrother är och förblir en av landets främsta liveakter. Nu är det dags för en ordentlig turné - som inleds här i Uppsala! Moneybrother - turnépremiär Torsdag 1 februari, Uppsala Kon
Sweden International Horse Show

New top level event for Sweden and Sweden International Horse Show – Saab Top 10 Dressage25.4.2017 18:30:00 CEST | Sweden International Horse Show | Press Release

The exclusive Dressage Top 10 is coming to Sweden and Sweden International Horse Show. And brings at the same time a new and exciting format to the dressage sport. - “This is what I have wished for my sport for many, many years”, says the world ranking list number one Isabell Werth, (GER). The world’s very best dressage combinations will compete for close to 200 000 euros in the Saab Top 10 Dressage. Sweden International Horse Show launches the tickets and presents the year’s big new competition, Saab Top 10 Dressage. The Top 10 is an existing concept in Jumping and now the same exclusive competition format has been created for the world’s best Dressage combinations. Sweden and Sweden International Horse Show in the Friends Arena in Stockholm will host the very first Saab Top 10 Dressage event at the beginning of December. – “We are enormously proud that we in Sweden have secured an annual world class competition and that we could deliver this for international top Dressage. After many
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