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Magnus Nyström blir ny CTO hos Adlibris18.2.2025 08:57:39 CET | Adlibris | Pressmeddelande

Adlibris stärker sin organisation genom att rekrytera Magnus Nyström som Chief Technology Officer. Magnus har lång erfarenhet av Tech och ledarskap och kommer närmast från rollen som VP Technical Operations på Viaplay Group, där han verkat i nio år. Som CTO på Adlibris kommer han att vara en nyckelperson för den tekniska strategin, säkerställa en stabil och skalbar Tech-arkitektur samt driva utvecklingen av företagets digitala plattform för långsiktig tillväxt.
news aktuell GmbH

European Defence Union for strength, peace and freedom: A Call for a Stronger, Autonomous and Competitive Europe17.2.2025 08:37:53 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Munich Declaration 2025 On the occasion of the 61st Munich Security Conference (MSC), leading European policymakers, business leaders and security experts have presented the Munich Declaration 2025 — a bold vision for strengthening Europe's defence and economic competitiveness. The declaration is issued by the Europe Panel and its committee. It was initiated by José Manuel Durão Barroso (Former President of the European Commission), Klaus Regling (Former Managing Director of the ESM), André Loesekrug-Pietri (Chairman and Scientific Director of JEDI), Othmar Karas (President European Forum Alpbach), Antonella Mei-Pochtler (Vice President European Forum Alpbach), Andreas Treichl (Chairman Erste Foundation Austria) and Martin Schoeller (Entrepreneur). The declaration outlines concrete steps to enhance Europe's security architecture, technological leadership, and strategic autonomy in an increasingly volatile and protectionist global environment. Key Commitments of the Munich Declaration 2

De vinner Adlibrispriset 2024 – läsarnas bokpris30.1.2025 08:34:09 CET | Adlibris | Pressmeddelande

Efter ett rekordstort engagemang bland Sveriges bokälskare och över 42 000 röster är årets vinnare av Adlibrispriset korade. Från YouTube-familjen “The Swedish Family” till älskade klassiker som Mamma Mu; bland vinnarna i de nio kategorierna hittas en bred mix av debutanter, internationella namn och mer etablerade svenska författare. Adlibrispriset delades ut under en prisceremoni på onsdagskvällen.

PIONIERKRAFT raises a high seven-figure amount in Series A financing round from climate tech investor First Imagine!21.10.2024 16:15:31 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Munich, 21 October 2024 Munich-based energy start-up PIONIERKRAFT has raised a high seven-figure amount in its Series A financing round, led by First Imagine!, a European venture capital firm focused on innovative solutions for a sustainable future. With this investment, PIONIERKRAFT will expand its energy-sharing solution for apartment buildings. "When we founded PIONIERKRAFT in 2019, we saw an opportunity to build a foundation for the energy transition in small and medium-sized apartment buildings," says Andreas Eberhardt, CEO of PIONIERKRAFT. "This funding will help us scale our network of partners and ramp up mass production of our energy-sharing solution." First Imagine! recognizes PIONIERKRAFT's growth potential and aims to accelerate the renewable energy transition. "Partnering with PIONIERKRAFT allows us to address the large sector of multi-tenant buildings in Germany that has been excluded from rooftop solar installations," says Alexander Starchenko, Managing Partner of First

Nya ryggsäckar ökar säkerheten på isen18.10.2024 12:42:34 CEST | Lundhags/Brav Sweden AB | Pressmeddelande

Lundhags nya säkerhetssystem HARS™ (High Anchoring Rescue System) gör det enklare att rädda skridskoåkare som gått genom isen. Fästpunkten för räddningslinan/kastbandet har flyttats upp från ryggsäckens midjebälte till en säkerhetssele som går runt kroppen. Den högre fästpunkten i brösthöjd minskar risken för att fastna med ben eller midjebälte under isen. De nya skridskosäckarna Torne Ice Light 25 och Torne Ice 35 som lanseras under säsongen 24/25 är utrustade med HARS™.

Leading Australian Technology, Communication and Productivity Solutions provider Enablo announces strategic partnership with the Super App for frontline workers Flip for Meta Workplace transition30.7.2024 08:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Enablo, a leading Australian technology, communication and productivity solutions provider and one of the largest partners of Meta’s enterprise communications software Workplace, announces a partnership that will allow Meta Workplace customers to integrate and transition to Flip’s Super App. The partnership between Enablo and Flip brings together two leading companies in the frontline technology space with the joint mission to shape the future of work.
news aktuell GmbH

The new emporiaSMART.6lite / Successor to the emporia bestseller: The smartphone that fits in every pocket25.7.2024 08:05:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

(Linz, Austria). The European smartphone company emporia is launching the successor to its previous bestseller on the market for the past 2 years. The emporiaSMART.6lite follows on from the emporiaSMART.5 - which has been voted “senior smartphone of the year” in Germany three times in a row. emporia is the unrivalled market leader for easy-to-use smartphones in Germany. According to the latest GfK figures, the Austrian company has a market share of around 66 per cent in this segment. With the new emporiaSMART.6lite, which is not only easy to use but it is packed with the performance of a standard modern smartphone with great cameras, great security and more, to further expand the companies aims. Design and development made in Europe. Whether in a handbag, breast pocket, jacket, belt, waist or shoulder bag or front and back trouser pocket - the compact emporiaSMART.6lite fits in everywhere. And while compact in size, the screen is a comfortable 5.45 inches, that is large enough to ensur
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