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Civil Rights Defenders

Serbian police crack down on USAID-funded organisations25.2.2025 16:41:51 CET | Civil Rights Defenders | Pressmeddelande

Amid ongoing mass demonstrations in Serbia, police today have begun raiding civil society organisations that have received funding from USAID. One of the affected organisations is Center for Research Transparency and Accountability, which the Swedish human rights organisation Civil Rights Defenders has worked closely with for a long time. Civil Rights Defenders’ Europe Director, Ivana Randjelovic, is in Belgrade and can provide comments. "The Serbian government is using all means available to tighten its grip on power. The fact that they are now targeting civil society is an extremely concerning development," says Ivana Randjelovic, Director Europe Department at Civil Rights Defenders’ office in Belgrade.
The Edelstam Foundation


Le National Press Club de Washington a publié une déclaration exigeant la libération immédiate du journaliste M. Dawit Isaak, prisonnier d'opinion et le journaliste détenu arbitrairement le plus longtemps au monde. M. Dawit Isaak, lauréat du prix Edelstam 2024, est emprisonné illégalement depuis 2001 sans procès. Il n'a été inculpé d'aucun crime et n'a pas été autorisé à parler à son avocat.

Statement on Serbia28.1.2025 12:41:45 CET | Socialdemokraterna | Pressmeddelande

The Social Democratic Party of Sweden expresses its full solidarity with the students and citizens of Serbia who have bravely taken to the streets in protest against the erosion of democratic values and freedoms; sparked by the tragic accident in Novi Sad on 1 November 2024 where a concrete canopy of the rail station collapsed, killing 15 people and injuring several more. Their determination to fight for a better, more just society is an inspiration to us all, and we stand with them in their calls for meaningful reform, greater transparency, and the protection of fundamental rights. Their voices echo the desire for a future free from corruption, oppression, and inequality, and we believe their demands should be heard and supported by the international community. We strongly support the demand for justice for the victims and urge Serbian authorities to address the root causes of this devastating event. This includes tackling corruption and strengthening the rule of law to prevent simila
news aktuell GmbH

Next UK government must address 'long-term scars' of Brexit and austerity – study26.6.2024 15:58:30 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

London (DNA) - A decline in effective national governance and the "long-term scars" caused by austerity measures and Brexit have stifled economic growth and undermined social cohesion in the United Kingdom, according to a study. Researchers concluded that an incoming government must make up for "lost" decade and a half since the global financial crisis in 2008, with urgent structural changes required to prevent "severe problems" impacting citizens' quality of life. With the General Election in the UK approaching on July 4, polls suggest Labour is on course for a return to power for the first time since 2010. But researchers at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Hertie School, a university in Berlin, Germany, have warned the next government will face "several interlocking crises" caused by past failings, with a decline in the quality of governance identified as the key cause. The report highlights that the UK’s governance has repeatedly been among the highest perfor
news aktuell GmbH

Speech to Europe (Eine Rede an Europa) by Omri Boehm10.5.2024 08:29:30 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

On 7 May, the Wiener Festwochen and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna) welcomed Israeli-German philosopher Omri Boehm at the Viennese Judenplatz on the occasion of a Speech to Europe (Eine Rede an Europa) 2024, thereby opening the Viennese cultural festival. Followed by a week of heated discussions about the presence of Omri Boehm, the Speech was successfully held in a crowded Judenplatz, attracting 800 spectators on-site and 1200 viewers through the Livestream, in addition to numerous other viewers through the ORF broadcast. After an introduction by IWM Rector Misha Glenny and Wiener Festwochen Artistic Director Milo Rau, who supported their decision to invite the philosopher on Judenplatz, Omri Boehm made his way on stage. As a decided universalist, he analyzed the intricacies of Europe’s problematic past, represented by colonialism and the Holocaust, and its challenging present, threatened by the rise of right-wing populism and necessarily intertwined with the Israeli-Pal

Livsöden och historiska skeden när CinemAfrica firar 25 år2.10.2023 13:00:38 CEST | CinemAfrica | Pressmeddelande

CinemAfrica är Nordens största filmfestival för afrikansk kvalitetsfilm som i år har 25 årsjubileum. Detta firas med 25 olika filmer som visas mellan den 20 och 29 oktober. Livsöden, kärlek och familjerelation blandas i programmet som sätter berättandet i fokus och ger nya perspektiv på afrikansk kultur. Det blir alltifrån Sverigepremiärer till publikfavoriter från det kvartssekel som gått.
news aktuell GmbH

A statement from Roger Waters on the controversy over his Berlin Concert29.5.2023 08:21:37 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Frankfurt. “My recent performance in Berlin has attracted bad faith attacks from those who want to smear and silence me because they disagree with my political views and moral principles. The elements of my performance that have been questioned are quite clearly a statement in opposition to fascism, injustice, and bigotry in all its forms. Attempts to portray those elements as something else are disingenuous and politically motivated. The depiction of an unhinged fascist demagogue has been a feature of my shows since Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” in 1980. I have spent my entire life speaking out against authoritarianism and oppression wherever I see it. When I was a child after the war, the name of Anne Frank was often spoken in our house, she became a permanent reminder of what happens when fascism is left unchecked. My parents fought the Nazis in World War II, with my father paying the ultimate price. Regardless of the consequences of the attacks against me, I will continue to condemn inju
Amnesty International Sverige

Israel/OPT: Israeliska myndigheter använder ansiktsigenkänning för att befästa apartheid2.5.2023 01:01:00 CEST | Amnesty International Sverige | Pressmeddelande

Israeliska myndigheter använder den nyutvecklade ansiktsigenkänningstekniken Red Wolf för automatisk övervakning av palestinier för att kraftigt begränsa deras rörelsefrihet. I en ny rapport, Automated Apartheid, har Amnesty International dokumenterat hur Red Wolf ingår i ett ständigt växande övervakningssystem som upprätthåller de israeliska myndigheternas kontroll över palestinier, och som bidrar till att befästa Israels apartheidsystem. Red Wolf används vid militära vägspärrar i staden Hebron på den ockuperade Västbanken, där systemet läser av palestiniers ansikten och utan deras medgivande sparar informationen i enorma övervakningsdatabaser. Amnesty har även dokumenterat en ökning av Israels användning av ansiktsigenkänning mot palestinier i det ockuperade östra Jerusalem, särskilt i kölvattnet av demonstrationer och i omgivningarna runt olagliga bosättningar. I både Hebron och det ockuperade östra Jerusalem finns ett tätt nätverk av övervakningskameror som får stöd av ansiktsigenk
news aktuell GmbH

Roger Waters fights back15.3.2023 08:05:23 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Roger Waters defends freedom of speech and takes legal action against proposed concert cancellations in Frankfurt and Munich London. In February 2023, the Hessian State Government and then the Magistrate of the City of Frankfurt announced their extraordinary and prejudicial intention to cancel a concert scheduled to be performed by Roger Waters at the Festhalle in Frankfurt on 28 May. On 28 February 2023, a motion was introduced in the Munich City Council to cancel the concert scheduled for 21 May 2023, in the Munich Olympiahalle. These actions are unconstitutional, without justification, and based upon the false accusation that Roger Waters is antisemitic, which he is not. As a result of this unilateral, politically motivated action, Mr Waters has instructed his lawyers to immediately take all necessary steps to overturn this unjustifiable decision to ensure that his fundamental human right of freedom of speech is protected and that all of those who wish to see him perform, are free t
PR & Beyond

PINK FLOYD SLÄPPER NY MUSIK TILL STÖD FÖR UKRAINA7.4.2022 18:59:00 CEST | PR & Beyond | Pressmeddelande

Idag fredag 8/4 släppte Pink Floyd ny musik, singeln "Hey Hey Rise Up", till stöd för den ukrainska befolkningen. Detta är första gången bandet har spelat in ny musik sedan "The Division Bell" från 1994 och första releasen sedan albumet "The Endless River" från 2014. På låten får David Gilmour och Nick Mason sällskap av Guy Pratt (bas) och Nitin Sawhney(keyboard), med sång av Andriy Khlyvnyuk från det ukrainska bandet Boombox. På ”Hey Hey Rise Up”, som spelades in den 30:e mars, används Andriys sång från en Instagrampost där han sjunger på Sofiyskaya-torget i Kiev. I klippet sjunger han en ukrainsk protestsång skriven under första världskriget som under senaste tiden blivit populär på nytt. Låttiteln är hämtad från den sista textraden av sången, som sedan har översätts till engelska "Hey hey rise up and rejoice". Gilmour, som har en ukrainsk svärdotter och barnbarn säger: “We, like so many, have been feeling the fury and the frustration of this vile act of an independent, peaceful demo
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