4 träffardifferences in sex development

Akademiska sjukhuset

Akademiska får bedriva nationell högspecialiserad vård vid lymfödemkirurgi och tillstånd som påverkar könsutvecklingen19.3.2025 14:55:35 CET | Akademiska sjukhuset | Pressmeddelande

Akademiska sjukhuset/Region Uppsala får två nya tillstånd att bedriva nationell högspecialiserad vård, dels vid lymfödemkirurgi, dels vid DSD (Differences in Sex Development), tillstånd som påverkar könsutvecklingen. Båda tillstånden är komplexa och kräver multiprofessionell kompetens. Beslutet att koncentrera vården fattades av Nämnden för nationell högspecialiserad vård den 19 mars och innebär att Akademiska sjukhuset nu har 22 NHV-tillstånd.
news aktuell GmbH

#Thankyou: NPO One Life launches the first Vienna International Pride Awards11.1.2023 10:00:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Austrian NPO One Life launches the Vienna International Pride Awards It is the first global event and campaign to recognize LGBTIQ+ equality change makers #ThankYou campaign leading to the Awards kicks off on International Thank You Day It's time to say “Thank You”: on International Thank You Day - January 11, 2023, Vienna-based NPO, One Life, announces the launch of the Vienna International Pride Awards, a new annual campaign and event to thank and recognize the vital world of LGBTIQ+ equality heroes around the world. The idea for the International Pride Awards came from Tony Gregory, an award-winning television director. He describes the guiding vision of the Vienna International Pride Awards as: “A world where the rainbow of differences and preferences of LGBTIQ+ people are not only tolerated, but deeply and universally accepted and cherished”. Official campaign mission partners are the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the MTV Staying Alive Foundation and ILGA-World (the I
Karolinska Institutet - English

New study reveals differences in care of chronic kidney disease between women and men1.8.2022 09:00:00 CEST | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

Women with reduced kidney function received a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease to a less extent than men in the same situation. Women were also less likely to have their kidney function monitored, to visit a nephrologist and to use recommended treatments for chronic kidney disease. This according to a new study by researchers from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Karolinska Institutet - English

Link between PCOS in the mother and autism in the child8.12.2015 09:05:00 CET | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

[PRESS RELEASE, 8 DEC. 2015] Children born to mothers with polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, are at an increased risk of developing autism spectrum disorders, according to a new epidemiological study from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet. The findings, which are published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, support the notion that exposure to sex hormones early in life may be important for the development of autism in both sexes.
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