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news aktuell GmbH

Revolutionary Partnership Announced: How Wandarra and PAPACKS® Aim to Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste in Australia10.7.2024 09:10:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Townsville, North Queensland, July 10, 2024 – Wandarra, an innovative ag-tech solutions firm based in Townsville, North Queensland, and PAPACKS®, a global leader in sustainable packaging based in Cologne, Germany, are excited to announce a strategic partnership via a recently executed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The parties are currently working together to formalize the Australia-APAC exclusive IP licensing agreement with the target end date intended over the next few weeks. This partnership aims to transform the packaging industry across Australia and the Asia-Pacific, reducing plastic waste and supporting environmental sustainability by leveraging Wandarra’s regional resources and PAPACKS®’ cutting-edge technologies. Wandarra, based in the eco-friendly hub of Townsville near the Great Barrier Reef, capitalizes on its robust and efficient logistics network to distribute innovative hemp-based products. This location underscores Wandarra’s commitment to environmental stewardship
news aktuell GmbH

The ISCTH Global Peace and Transformation Summit with a powerful message from Maitreya Dadashreeji - #IamPeace1.7.2024 10:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

On the 28th of June 2024, the International Spiritual Council for Transforming Humanity (ISCTH) hosted the first Global Peace and Transformation Summit in Geneva, Siwtzerland. More than 100 action-driven leaders and influential speakers from around the globe gathered to open an honest dialogue on how to foster permanent world peace.
news aktuell GmbH

KRONE INVESTS IN ACOUSTICS SPECIALIST RECALM24.1.2024 09:20:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Spelle, Germany Maschinenfabrik KRONE and technology company recalm, which specialises in acoustic solutions, have entered into a strategic partnership to improve health and comfort and reduce dangerous noise in the driver's cab. KRONE has also invested in recalm via Silver Crown Capital. Thanks to recalm's unique Active Noise Cancelling technology called ANCOR, a significant reduction in noise levels and a completely new dimension of entertainment, communication and comfort in the driver's cab will be possible in the future. The retrofittable ANCOR system is installed on the headrest and works with several microphones and speakers. The microphones record the existing ambient noise, while the speakers emit sound signals in anti-phase. As a result, the sound waves cancel each other out and low-frequency, disturbing sounds are suppressed. What's special: ANCOR works in the free field, i.e. without headphones, and creates a "quiet zone" of 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter around the drive

Ferroamp genomför lyckat pilotprojekt om stödtjänster med Varberg Energi – skickar in ansökan till Svenska kraftnät28.7.2023 08:00:00 CEST | Ferroamp | Pressmeddelande

Ferroamp har i samarbete med mjukvaruföretaget Ntricity och inom ramen för ett pilotprojekt med Varberg Energi, tagit fram en teknisk lösning för batteriägare som vill sälja kapacitet till stödtjänsten FCR-D för att bidra till balansen i elnätet. En ansökan om förkvalificering har nu skickats till Svenska kraftnät.
Karolinska Institutet - English

New insight on the link between obesity and type 2 diabetes4.10.2021 15:00:00 CEST | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

It is well known that obesity affects the body's insulin production and over time risks leading to type 2 diabetes and several other metabolic diseases. Now researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found further explanation for why fat cells cause metabolic morbidity. The study, published in Nature Medicine, may have an impact on the treatment of comorbidity in obesity with already available drugs.
Karolinska Institutet - English

Drones delivered defibrillators to patients with suspected cardiac arrests26.8.2021 22:05:00 CEST | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden can now report the results of a unique pilot project where drones were used to deliver defibrillators to real-life alerts of suspected cardiac arrest. The drones were dispatched in more than a fifth of the emergencies and arrived on target and ahead of the ambulance in most cases. The results are published in the European Heart Journal and presented today at the European Society of Cardiology congress.
Karolinska Institutet - English

Protein map using new method of analysis shared in open database3.1.2019 16:00:00 CET | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

[PRESS RELEASE 2019-01-03] Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and SciLifeLab have developed a new method of analysis that maps the location of proteins in the cell. The information has been compiled in a database that is accessible to researchers around the world. The method of analysis, which has been published in the journal Molecular Cell, can also provide in-depth knowledge of disrupted cell function in cancer and other diseases.
Ideon Science Park

Suntribe AB launches an ecological, mineral-based sunscreen that is safe for human health and the environment13.3.2018 06:00:00 CET | Ideon Science Park | Press Release

The Swedish company Suntribe AB is launching a non-whitening mineral sunscreen that is gentle for the environment and human skin. Like all other Suntribe sunscreens, the new body sunscreen features the mineral UV-filter Zinc Oxide as a natural alternative to chemical UV-filters. All other ingredients are from natural and organic origin. The new Suntribe Body sunscreen forms part of the company’s portfolio of a new generation of safe sunscreens.
Karolinska Institutet - English

Key component of respiratory centre identified5.10.2017 10:30:00 CEST | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

[PRESS RELEASE 2017-10-05] Star-shaped cells called astrocytes are much more than simple support cells in the brain. In a new study on mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet demonstrate that they also play a key part in the respiratory centre of the brainstem and release inflammatory molecules that regulate breathing. The results, which are presented in the scientific journal eLife, can provide important clues as to the causes of respiratory disease and the sudden unexpected postnatal collapse of newborn infants (SUPC).
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