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Bokförlaget Stolpe

Har högre utbildning i USA blivit en kundfinansierad upplevelsesektor?19.3.2025 08:21:02 CET | Bokförlaget Stolpe | Pressmeddelande

Vad händer med det demokratiska samtalet när studenter kräver att föreläsare och rektorer som avviker från deras världsbild ska avlägsnas, eller till och med avskedas? Jonathan Haidt och Greg Lukianoffs bästsäljande bok Den överbeskyddade människan undersöker hur goda intentioner och dåliga idéer förstör för en hel generation. Boken utkommer 24 mars.
news aktuell GmbH

European Defence Union for strength, peace and freedom: A Call for a Stronger, Autonomous and Competitive Europe17.2.2025 08:37:53 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Munich Declaration 2025 On the occasion of the 61st Munich Security Conference (MSC), leading European policymakers, business leaders and security experts have presented the Munich Declaration 2025 — a bold vision for strengthening Europe's defence and economic competitiveness. The declaration is issued by the Europe Panel and its committee. It was initiated by José Manuel Durão Barroso (Former President of the European Commission), Klaus Regling (Former Managing Director of the ESM), André Loesekrug-Pietri (Chairman and Scientific Director of JEDI), Othmar Karas (President European Forum Alpbach), Antonella Mei-Pochtler (Vice President European Forum Alpbach), Andreas Treichl (Chairman Erste Foundation Austria) and Martin Schoeller (Entrepreneur). The declaration outlines concrete steps to enhance Europe's security architecture, technological leadership, and strategic autonomy in an increasingly volatile and protectionist global environment. Key Commitments of the Munich Declaration 2
Siemens AB

Promising first quarter generates positive momentum13.2.2025 14:18:41 CET | Siemens AB | Pressmeddelande

Revenue grew 3 percent on a comparable basis to €18.4 billion (Q1 2024: €17.7 billion) Orders in Q1 2025 declined 8 percent on a comparable basis to €20.1 billion (Q1 2024: €21.6 billion) Profit Industrial Business totaled €2.5 billion (Q1 2024: €2.7 billion); profit margin Industrial Business was 14.1 percent (Q1 2024: 15.8 percent) Free cash flow at Group level rose sharply to €1.6 billion (Q1 2024: €1.0 billion) Net income soared 52 percent to €3.9 billion (Q1 2024: €2.5 billion), benefiting from a €2.1 billion gain (after tax) from the sale of Innomotics Outlook for fiscal 2025 confirmed Virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to vote on dividend proposal of €5.20 per share for fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2023: €4.70)
news aktuell GmbH

Management change at X-CAGO: Ingo Kästner takes over the reins19.12.2024 16:00:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Berlin/Roermond – On 1 January, Ingo Kästner, Managing Director of PMG Presse-Monitor, will also take over the management of X-CAGO. The Dutch company is a leading international specialist for data and content conversion in the international publishing industry. The previous Managing Director and founder, Koos Hussem, will be taking his well-deserved retirement at the turn of the year, but will continue to be available to the company with his expertise.
Bokförlaget Stolpe

Ledarskap och statskonst: studier i makt12.12.2024 08:00:00 CET | Bokförlaget Stolpe | Pressmeddelande

Hur ser ett gott ledarskap ut? Den italienske författaren Nic-colò Machiavelli var tidigt ute med att analysera maktens mekanismer och hävdade att en regent bör ha egenskaper som ”skicklig på manipulation” och ”förmåga att inhysa fruktan hos sina motståndare”. Mycket har hänt sedan 1500-talets Florens och ledare har genom tiderna har utvecklat egna strategier för att vinna folkets kärlek. Den brittiska premiärministern Margaret Thatcher omvandlade till exempel sitt öknamn och sin rättframhet till en positiv kraft, och Rysslands kejsarinna Katarina den stora använde sig av mytbildning. I den konfliktfyllda värld vi lever i är frågan om kompetent ledarskap ständigt aktuellt. Dagens ledare ska, utöver en förståelse för samhällsutvecklingen, ha färdigheter på många olika områden. Kraven har ökat i takt med framväxten av AI, allt mer avancerad teknik och inte minst en polariserad politisk situation i många länder. I antologin Ledarskap och statskonst: studier i makt undersöker internationel

Noblaskolan Hagaberg når högsta resultat i Best School to Work25.11.2024 07:56:18 CET | AcadeMedia | Pressmeddelande

I våras deltog Noblaskolan Hagaberg i den globala undersökningen Best School to Work, initierad av organisationen T4 Education. Undersökningen genomförs på skolor världen över och erbjuder, förutom värdefulla insikter, möjligheten till internationella jämförelser. Genom sitt fokus på god skolkultur och arbetsmiljö nådde Noblaskolan Hagaberg den högsta utmärkelsen – platinum.
news aktuell GmbH

Companies of Schwarz Group and Google to Sign Partnership to Jointly Deliver Sovereign, Secure Workplace Productivity Solutions for Germany and Europe14.11.2024 16:09:46 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Schwarz Digits’ Cloud STACKIT will provide local data storage for Google Workspace and offer client-side encryption, delivering a sovereign and secure workplace productivity solution with XM Cyber as enhanced security layer. The partnership will integrate XM Cyber’s Continuous Exposure Management with Google Cloud’s Security portfolio to develop new joint security offerings targeted at public and private sector organizations. The companies of Schwarz Group with 575,000 employees will transition to Google Workspace to maximize security, efficiency, and control of its data sovereignty.
Schibsted Media

Agnes Stenbom är Årets AI-svensk 202414.11.2024 08:40:14 CET | Schibsted Media | Pressmeddelande

Agnes Stenbom, chef för Schibsteds Medias inkluderingslab IN/LAB och ansvarig för förtroendefrågor på Schibsted Media, har utsetts till Årets AI-svensk 2024. Priset delas ut av TechSverige till personer som gör betydande insatser för utvecklingen och synliggörandet av svensk AI. Stenbom är även grundare av initiativet Nordic AI Journalism och hyllas för sitt arbete med att driva inkluderings- och tillitsfrågor inom AI i Sverige.

Agnes Stenbom är Årets AI-svensk 202414.11.2024 07:30:00 CET | TechSverige | Pressmeddelande

I dag offentliggjordes vinnaren av utmärkelsen Årets AI-svensk 2024. Ett pris som delas ut av bransch- och arbetsgivarorganisationen TechSverige och går till en person som bidragit särskilt till utvecklingen och synliggörandet av svensk AI. Årets pristagare är Agnes Stenbom, chef för inkluderingslabbet IN/LAB och ansvarig för förtroendefrågor på Schibsted Media samt grundare av initiativet Nordic AI journalism.
news aktuell GmbH

Pioneering women set the stage for Slush at the INNOVEIT Conference in Helsinki5.11.2024 09:55:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) invites you to celebrate women entrepreneurs driving innovation and investment in Europe. The EIT Community will be hosting the INNOVEIT Conference which will feature industry leaders like Inga Grieger, Katarzyna Piasecki and Laura Wirsztel. A pitch session will showcase pioneering women-led ventures shaping the future of technology. Exclusive insights: Conference attendees will gain access to the latest research findings from the study “Women founders in European deep tech startups” by the initiative EIT Supernovas, revealing women’s impact in deep tech and the launch of the new Data Room which enhances visibility for women-led startups and scaleups by connecting them with potential investors.
IDÉ House of Brands

IDÉ House of Brands Introduces a New Collection of bluesign® PRODUCTS for B2B Sports and Leisure Brand, iwear28.10.2024 15:00:00 CET | IDÉ House of Brands | Press Release

(Oslo, Norway) – IDÉ House of Brands, the largest privately-owned supplier of promotional products in the Nordics, proudly announces the launch of its first bluesign® PRODUCTs as part of the latest collection for their sports and leisure brand, iwear. IDÉ House of Brands is the first promotional products company in the world to be certified to produce bluesign® PRODUCTS and is excited to introduce the first iwear styles made from 100% bluesign® APPROVED fabrics. Arriving with the Autumn/Winter 2024 collection, these will be the first iwear items to carry the prestigious bluesign® PRODUCT label. This achievement reinforces IDÉ’s leadership in the promotional product industry, showcasing their commitment to reducing environmental impact and ensuring product safety across their supply chain. For bluesign®, this launch represents a significant milestone in the industry's adoption of clean chemical management practices. Lasse Lauritzen, Founder and Chairman of IDÉ House of Brands, expressed
news aktuell GmbH

eM Client Acquires Postbox Inc., Expanding Its Reach to a Broader User Base23.10.2024 11:08:58 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

The acquisition solidifies eM Client’s position as a leading email client provider, bringing its innovative solutions to a growing audience. Prague, October 23, 2024 – eM Client, a leading provider of email client software, announced its acquisition of Postbox Inc., a well-established email application company based in the United States. This acquisition enables eM Client to extend its innovative solutions to an even larger global audience, reinforcing its position as one of the most comprehensive email platforms available. Summary: Who: eM Client has acquired Postbox Inc. What: The acquisition expands eM Client’s reach to a broader user base. When: October 22, 2024. Where: eM Client is based in Prague and serves a global customer base. Why: The acquisition strengthens eM Client’s leadership in the email client industry and brings its powerful tools to more users. eM Client has established itself as a top choice for email users, integrating email, calendars, contacts, tasks, and notes

De är finalister i Årets AI-svensk 202423.10.2024 07:34:52 CEST | TechSverige | Pressmeddelande

Nu står det klart vilka som är de sju finalisterna till priset Årets AI-svensk 2024. En utmärkelse som delas ut av bransch- och arbetsgivarorganisationen TechSverige och går till den person som juryn tycker har bidragit mest till synliggörandet och utvecklingen av svensk AI. Finalisterna är Lina Bjelkmar, Maja Fjaestad, Ann-Charlotte Munkhammar, Thomas Schön, Agnes Stenbom, Staffan Truvé och Anders Ynnerman.
news aktuell GmbH

Grünenthal appoints Dr. Jan Adams as Chief Commercial Officer30.9.2024 11:50:31 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Aachen, Germany, 30 September 2024 – Grünenthal announced today that Jan Adams, M.D., currently Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and member of the Corporate Executive Board, will assume the role of Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) effective 1 October 2024. Prior to his role as CSO, he was Head of Strategy and Portfolio at Grünenthal. Jan Adams has over two decades of experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Since joining Grünenthal in 2017, he has been key in driving the company's transformational journey. Under his leadership, Grünenthal successfully built a state-of-the-art R&D organisation, redefined its R&D strategy, and built an industry-leading pipeline focused on delivering innovative treatments for acute and chronic pain. Before assuming the role of CSO, he served as Head of Strategy and Portfolio, working at the interface between Strategy, R&D, and Commercial. His role was instrumental in several successful M&A projects and Grünenthal’s entry into the U.S. market.
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