6 träffarnationalities

Studieförbundet Bilda

Festivalen firar Terminator 40 år! Light till Dark Fantastic Film Festival30.10.2024 12:00:00 CET | Studieförbundet Bilda | Pressmeddelande

Den 6 – 9e november arrangeras den andra upplagan av Light till Dark Fantastic Filmfestival på Bio Roxy i Örebro, festivalen som hyllar genrefilm. I år är det 40-års jubileum för genreklassikern The Terminator (1984) och det firar Light till Dark med en exklusiv visning på festivalens premiärdag. Light till Dark kommer under festivalen visa ytterligare 16 långfilmer och arrangera paneler och workshops. En av panelerna kommer fokusera på stuntmän och stuntkvinnor i film och gästas bland annat av Paul Weston som varit stuntman på Aliens (1986), Skyfall (2012) och The Batman (2022) bland andra filmer.
news aktuell GmbH

AvS Advisors: B Corp Certification Reinforces Commitment to Sustainability18.3.2024 10:15:00 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Pressmeddelande

Geneva/Frankfurt – 18 March 2024 AvS Advisors, a global boutique firm advising family businesses and privately held organizations on governance and leadership challenges, is proud to announce that it now is a Certified B Corporation. Being part of a global movement for an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy testifies to the company's unwavering commitment to sustainability, integrity, and responsible ownership and leadership practices. AvS Advisors looks forward to collaborating with the 130+ Swiss B Corps and 8,300+ B Corps globally to bring about systems change and stronger sustainability performance in the private sector. Since its founding in 2011 the consultancy built a solid track record of high-quality practices, serving clients with an international team of seasoned advisors representing a wide variety of nationalities and languages. Operating as a global “One Firm”, AvS Advisors draws on the vast experience of its consultants in guiding and supporting family business
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