Eatnama váibmu: Opera in Northern Sámi brings nature and language to life on stage4.2.2025 09:01:54 CET | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande
As the first stage in Europe, the Royal Swedish Opera presents a work written and performed in Northern Sámi this upcoming autumn season. Eatnama váibmu (The Heart of the Earth, in Northern Sámi) is a new opera created by librettist Rawdna Carita Eira and composer Britta Byström, directed by Elle Márjá Eira, who directed the film Stöld (Theft) recently released on Netflix. The story of Eatnama váibmu is based on the Sámi creation story with its current theme of good and evil, and interaction with nature. Premiere on the Royal Swedish Opera's Main stage on November 15.