Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera celebrates 250 years with a twist throughout 2023

The National Stage of Opera and Ballet celebrates its 250th anniversary in grand. On January 18, an Anniversary Gala is held and the year is then rounded off on New Year's Eve with a large Masquerade Ball. In between, a repertoire that unites past, present and future and, among many other things, houses the world premiere of Melancholia – a new operatic interpretation of Lars Von Trier's film. Tickets for SEK 250 will be available for productions throughout the anniversary year and this summer the audience will be invited to a record-breaking sale of costumes.
Kungliga Operan 250 år. Foto: Kungliga Operan/Cooper&Gorfer
Kungliga Operan 250 år. Foto: Kungliga Operan/Cooper&Gorfer

»We are the house of opera and ballet of the whole of Sweden. I want the Royal Swedish Opera to be a natural meeting place where we also highlight the societal challenges that are relevant to all of us. Art can illustrate these challenges but also contribute to a discussion, which can lead to us finding new ways forward and handling these subjects in a new way, with new eyes«, says Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of the Royal Swedish Opera.

The Anniversary Gala, which is given on three occasions, marks the very start of what will be an extraordinary year full of surprises and special ventures. Audiences can expect a borderline and visually dazzling performance that rushes through time, celebrating 250 years of performing arts magic. The anniversary gala will also be broadcast live on cinemas at Folkets hus och parker.

In general, the national stage for opera and ballet in 2023 will exhibit a repertoire that connects the past, present and future, with a range that can attract both avid opera fans and the wider audience.

From the program you can mention the world premiere of the opera interpretation of Lars von Trier's film Melancholia. Other highlights include Steven Sondheim's Broadway classic Sweeney Todd, Shakespeare-opera A midsummer nights dream and Don Giovanni. The Royal Swedish Ballet bring the favourite Manon and the classic ballet Le Corsaire in choreography by José Carlos Martinez, a version that has never before been performed at the Royal Swedish Opera, and also modern dance by choreographers Hlín Hjálmarsdóttir, Alexander Ekman and Ohad Naharin.The reality-based children's opera Where's the Sandwich? by Pija Lindenbaum will have its premiere at Young at the Opera. The childlen and youth are also treated to its own anniversary concert and a variety of activities and workshops both around schools and inside the Opera House.

During the year, the opera is visited by several guest soloists, including Piotr Beczala, Nina Stemme, Ann-Sofie von Otter, Lauren Snouffer, Rihab Chaieb, Yana Kleyn and Johan Edholm.

The Royal Swedish Opera Choir also celebrates its 250th anniversary, which is celebrated with a grand choral concert on the Main Stage together with the Royal Swedish Orchestra, where the audience is treated to beloved choral pieces from the history of opera.

Audience all over Sweden can also continue to enjoy performances on the digital streaming channel Operan Play and during the summer, the audience can also meet the Royal Swedish Opera live and free of charge, among other places, in Stockholm's parks and on Gustav Adolfs torg.

December means a long-awaited return of the classic ballet Nutcracker and the jubilee year 2023 ends on New Year's Eve with a long-awaited and extravagant Masquerade ball in 1700s style, where the audience can choose between a full evening at the Opera with dinner and concert, or entrance just before midnight and the opportunity to experience fireworks from one of the Opera House's terraces.

Anyone who wants something spectacular to wear at the New Year's Masquerade should not miss a unique and extensive costume sale that takes place on June 7 - 11, where 8000 tailor-made garments are sold at a special price. The proceeds from the sale will aim towards increasing the number of school performances for children and adolescents.

Ahead of the anniversary year, the Opera has engaged the artists Cooper & Gorfer to produce concept images that will be the anniversary of the jubilee. They have been given a free hand to visualize the singers, dancers and musicians, and they do so with both film and still images that will be visible throughout the year.

During the autumn of 2023, an exhibition will also be held at the Royal Armoury in a collaboration between the museum's and the Royal Swedish Opera's archives. There, the visitor will experience both costumes and objects from King Gustav III's era.

Other special initiatives in 2023:

– SEK 250 tickets available on selected Fridays throughout the year

– Jubilee tours for SEK 50 in the Opera House every month, as a complement to the regular guided tours.

– Free summer concerts on the 250th anniversary theme around Stockholm and outside the Opera house on Gustav Adolfs torg

– Free children's offerings to selected target groups throughout the year, with the aim of getting more children to discover the Opera.

Watch the full digital season program for the jubilee year 2023 on operan.se




Kungliga Operan 250 år. Foto: Kungliga Operan/Cooper&Gorfer
Kungliga Operan 250 år. Foto: Kungliga Operan/Cooper&Gorfer
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Melancholia, Kungliga Operan. Världspremiär hösten 2023
Melancholia, Kungliga Operan. Världspremiär hösten 2023
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Sweeny Todd, Kungliga Operan. Premiär våren 2023
Sweeny Todd, Kungliga Operan. Premiär våren 2023
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Short Stories IV, Kungliga Operan. Urpremiär våren 2023
Short Stories IV, Kungliga Operan. Urpremiär våren 2023
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Don Giovanni, Kungliga Operan. Premiär hösten 2023
Don Giovanni, Kungliga Operan. Premiär hösten 2023
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En midsommarnattsdröm, Kungliga Operan. Premiär våren 2023
En midsommarnattsdröm, Kungliga Operan. Premiär våren 2023
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Var är smörgåsen? Unga på Operan. Premiär våren 2023
Var är smörgåsen? Unga på Operan. Premiär våren 2023
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Klaus Nomi, Unga på Operan Premiär hösten 2023
Klaus Nomi, Unga på Operan Premiär hösten 2023
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Manon, Kungliga Baletten. Premiär våren 2023
Manon, Kungliga Baletten. Premiär våren 2023
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Le Corsaire, Kungliga Baletten, premiär hösten 2023
Le Corsaire, Kungliga Baletten, premiär hösten 2023
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Ekman/Hjalmarsdottír/Naharin, Kungliga Baletten. Premiär våren 2023
Ekman/Hjalmarsdottír/Naharin, Kungliga Baletten. Premiär våren 2023
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Kungliga Operan
Kungliga Operan
Box 16094
103 22 Stockholm

08-791 43 00https://www.operan.se/

Kungliga Operan är sedan 1773 Sveriges nationalscen för opera och balett.

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