Get ready for a world premiere, passionate ballet and sparkling New Year's masquerade – an autumn with a twist at the Royal Swedish Opera

This autumn's big event is the world premiere of Melancholia, the operatic interpretation of Lars von Trier's film, with newly written music by Mikael Karlsson and lyrics by Royce Vavrek. Watch the film about the making of Melancholia here (in English)
Other premieres are the opera Don Giovanni and the classical ballet Le Corsaire in an award-winning choreography by the Paris Opera's Ballet Director José Carlos Martinez, which has never before been performed at the Royal Swedish Opera. Klaus Nomi, which premiered during the pandemic, will be revived at Young at the Opera and children and young people will also be offered a variety of activities and workshops set both at schools and at the Opera House. Therewill also be revivals of the operas Madama Butterfly, Rigoletto and Elektra, conducted by the Royal Swedish Opera's music director Alan Gibert. In addition, the audience is invited to a long-awaited return of the classic ballet The Nutcracker. The autumn season also includes performances by several guest soloists, including Piotr Beczala in a concert with the Royal Swedish Orchestra, Nicole Cabell in Don Giovanni. Lauren Snouffer and Rihab Chaieb in Melancholia, Eri Nakamura in Madama Butterfly, Elin Rombo in Rigoletto and Ingela Brimberg in the title role of Elektra.
The Anniversary year 2023 will end on New Year's Eve with the long-awaited and extravagant New Year’s Masquerade, where guests can enjoy an evening at the Opera with dinner, concert and dancing until dawn. Tickets for the New Year’s Masquerade will be released in September. Anyone wishing for something spectacular to wear for the New Year’s Masquerade is not to miss out on a unique and extensive costume sale that takes place this summer, June 7-11, where thousands of tailor-made garments are sold at a special price in connection with the fact that the Opera soon will be leaving the storage facility in Gäddviken,Nacka. At the same time props will be sold, which means everything from porcelain to custom-made furniture and décor. The money from the sale will go to the Young Opera Fund, which, among other things, provides more performances for school children and young people.
In autumn 2023, there will also be an exhibition held together with the Royal Armoury, a collaboration between the museum's and the Royal Swedish Opera's archives. There, visitors will experience an interactive exhibition with both costumes and objects from the era of the Opera King, Gustav III.
Other special initiatives in 2023:
- Tickets for 250 SEK, which are available at selected performances throughout the year.
- Anniversary guided tours for only 50 SEK in the Opera House on Wednesdays, as an addition to the regular guided tours.
- Traditional summer concerts on the National Day (June 6) in Haga Park and in August outside the Opera on Gustav Adolfs torg and in Vita Bergen Park.
- Free children's activities to selected groups throughout the year, with the aim of getting more children to discover the Opera.
See the full digital season program for the Anniversary year 2023 on
Jenny MattssonPressansvarig /Head of Press
Kungliga Operan / Royal Swedish Opera

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