Gothenburg Horse Show

A nice double victory for Qurious HS.


Nicole Holmén was the nervous favorite in the Lövsta Future Challenge for young horses. She and Qurious HS won Saturday's qualifier, and on Sunday morning, they held up under the pressure.

Roland Thunholm

-I really wanted to win the final, or you always want to win everything, but you think it will be harder to win again if you've already done it," said Nicole Holmén after the victory.

-The plan was actually to ride even faster. My plan was probably to take shorter turns and get him a little, little bit more with me. But he gets quite excited. So sometimes it can be a bit difficult.

The gelding Qurious, owned by Grevlunda, qualified for the Lövsta Future Challenge Young Horses through Champion of the Youngsters, then ridden by Mathilda Bohlin. Nicole has been riding since the end of January. The setup is that she is at Grevlunda two days a week and competes with the horses. In between, they ride out in the forest or are trained by former Olympic rider Peter Eriksson.

-He's a very personal and fun horse. And he's a little tiger, that's what makes him," she said. Looking ahead, Nicole plans to continue his education. "I'm going to make him as good as possible this year and establish him in the 1.40 classes," said Nicole.

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Om Gothenburg Horse Show

Gothenburg Horse Show är en av världens ledande inomhustävlingar i ridsport och är ett evenemang som återkommer årligen. Sedan starten våren 1977 har över 3 miljoner hästälskare besökt evenemanget. Tävlingarna arrangeras av Got Event AB på uppdrag av FEI, det internationella ridsportförbundet, samt Svenska Ridsportförbundet. Vi samarbetar även med hästsportmässan EuroHorse i Svenska Mässan. Gothenburg Horse Show och EuroHorse arrangerar även gemensamt seminariedagen Hästföretagarforum. 

2024 års tävlingar genomförs 21-25 februari.

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Nylansering av Stiftelsen Göteborg Horse Show’s stipendium!5.3.2024 08:00:00 CET | Pressmeddelande

Sedan många år tillbaka har stiftelsen Göteborg Horse Show delat ut ca 300 000 SEK per år i stipendier till elitsatsande juniorer och unga ryttare. Tillsammans med Svenska Ridsportförbundet har stipendiater från ridsportens olika grenar valts ut för att tillsammans dela på summan. Senast stipendiet delades ut var sex av ridsportens grenar representerade bland stipendiaterna; hoppning, dressyr, para-dressyr, fälttävlan, voltige samt sportkörning.

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