
The Council on Ethics of the AP Funds sums up a year of active engagement in a new organisation


The work of the Council on Ethics during 2023 has in large part focused on the new organisation with a new strategy, and intensive work with the selected focus areas. Of many important sustainability topics, five focus areas have been prioritised: Antimicrobial resistance, Child labour and forced labour, Climate, Big tech and human rights, and Water.

Magdalena Håkansson, Chair of the Council on Ethics during 2023, notes that the rapid development in the field of sustainability places ever greater demands on the AP Funds’ sustainability work. During 2023, the work of the Council on Ethics has largely consisted of developing its activities in line with the new strategy and governance model adopted in 2022.

“During the year, we have continued to develop the Council per the new strategy with a new governance model and more resources, which will allow us to achieve better outcomes more efficiently over time.” says Magdalena Håkansson. “We have also decided on five new focus areas for our proactive work.”

During 2023, the Council on Ethics decided on five focus areas for proactive engagement; Antimicrobial resistance, Child labour and forced labour, Climate, Big tech and human rights, and Water. The proactive work aims to prevent and manage significant sustainability risks in the AP Funds’ portfolios through dialogue with companies. One example of proactive efforts is in the Big Tech and human rights focus area – an area which the Council on Ethics has been involved in since 2019.

“Social media is playing an increasingly important role in society and brings many benefits but also several challenges in relation to human rights,” explains Jenny Gustafsson, the new Head of the Council on Ethics since June 2023. “In March 2023, the Council launched a partnership with some 30 institutional investors with over EUR 7,000 billion under management. These investors will work together for positive change in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”

In parallel, around 3,500 companies have been screened for possible involvement in breaches of international norms. In total, 76 dialogues were conducted during 2023, of which seven were closed as the objectives were met. The reactive work is based on the international conventions and guidelines that Sweden has ratified, and the Council on Ethics uses structured processes to identify and manage sustainability risks in the AP Funds’ portfolios.

In individual cases, the dialogue does not lead to the desired outcome, and the Council on Ethics may then recommend that the AP Funds exclude the company. Three companies have been recommended for exclusion in 2023. An important part of the work is also to ensure that excluded companies can be re-included.

“The goal of the Council’s activities is to influence companies to improve, and we are pleased to see significant progress among the companies we have engaged in dialogue with during the year, five of which have fully achieved their objectives,” explains Jenny Gustafsson. “We have also been able to remove the exclusion recommendation for a company which has improved its management of labour rights.”

The full Annual Report 2023, English version, will be available in April.


For more information:

Jenny Gustafsson, Head of the Council on Ethics of the AP Funds,

Åsa Mossberg, Chair of the Council on Ethics of the AP Funds,


Åsa Mossberg, Chair of the Council on Ethics of the AP-funds
Åsa Mossberg, Chair of the Council on Ethics of the AP-funds
Jenny Gustafsson, Head of the Council on Ethics of the AP Funds
Jenny Gustafsson, Head of the Council on Ethics of the AP Funds


About The Council on Ethics of the AP Funds

The Council on Ethics of the AP Funds (the Council on Ethics) is a collaboration between AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4 on sustainability issues with the aim of strengthening the AP Funds as exemplary managers and responsible owners, with a strong reputation of trust and reputation.

The collaboration aims to achieve a positive impact on portfolio companies and portfolio companies' value chains from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Collaboration in the Council on Ethics has a strong position both nationally and internationally and today plays an important role in driving positive change in foreign companies in which the Swedish AP Funds are owners through dialogue and engagement. 

The Council on Ethics works both preventively and reactively globally with companies in the AP Funds' portfolios. The starting point is that well-managed and responsible companies over time provide higher returns at lower risk. The objective of the Ethical Council's work is for companies and industries to work systematically, in a structured and transparent manner with sustainability.

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