Civil Rights Defenders

Lundin Trial: South Sudanese Plaintiffs Take the Stand


Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new phase in the Lundin trial as plaintiffs from South Sudan will be heard in court for the first time. Civil Rights Defenders is present at the Stockholm District Court every day, providing continuous reporting. We are available to comment on the trial. There is also an opportunity to interview the first witness, James Ninrew Dong, after his testimony concludes on 4 June.

"We will finally hear from some of the people in South Sudan who have been affected. Their perspectives have been completely absent in the courtroom, and we must not forget that this trial is about them and their chance to seek justice," says Ebony Wade, Legal Adviser at Civil Rights Defenders.

Eight months have passed since the historic trial against two representatives of the Swedish oil company Lundin Oil, now Orrön Energy, began. Ian Lundin and Alexandre Schneiter are indicted with complicity in grave war crimes committed by Sudan’s regime. Both the prosecution and the defense have presented their arguments. Now it is time for the plaintiffs to be heard. First up is James Ninrew Dong, followed by three other plaintiffs before the court takes a summer break.

“There are very few means today for victims of war crimes to obtain redress. That is why this trial is so important. The plaintiffs in this trial indirectly represent the thousands of victims in South Sudan who do not have the opportunity to tell their stories,” says Ebony Wade, Legal Adviser at Civil Rights Defenders.

Fear of plaintiffs dropping out

In November last year, the Stockholm District Court decided that the plaintiffs in the Lundin trial would not have the opportunity to have their damage claims tried as part of the criminal trial. This decision makes it nearly impossible for the victims to receive compensation as it will likely be too costly for them to pursue the case as a civil matter. However, this decision has not deterred any of the plaintiffs from testifying.

“There were some concerns that plaintiffs might withdraw from the case once it became clear that they would not be able to receive any damages via the criminal case. But for them, this is about justice and redress. The trial is their chance to have their voices heard,” says Ebony Wade, Legal Adviser at Civil Rights Defenders.

Interview Our International Law Expert, Ebony Wade

Civil Rights Defenders follows the trial on-site at the Stockholm District Court and publishes weekly reports from the trial. Our Legal Adviser, Ebony Wade, is well-versed in the case and the trial. She has previously been interviewed by The Guardian and other media.

Interview Witnesses from the Trial

Civil Rights Defenders is in contact with several of the plaintiffs. The first plaintiff to testify is James Ninrew Dong, whose testimony is expected to last four trial days. For over 20 years, James Ninrew Dong has worked to achieve justice for those affected by the war in the area where Lundin Oil operated. He has personally been severely impacted by the events in the country. Fourteen of his relatives were killed when Sudanese military and their allied militias invaded and displaced the population in the area. The churches he worked in were burned, and he and his family were forced to flee.

James has previously been interviewed by The Guardian during a visit with us in Stockholm last autumn.

James Ninrew Dong can be interviewed on-site at Stockholm District Court after his testimony concludes on 4 June.

Contact Us

If you would like to interview Ebony Wade or James Ninrew Dong, please contact us at:

Phone: 076 576 27 62



Civil Rights Defenders är en internationell människorättsorganisation som grundades i Sverige 1982. Vi arbetar för och tillsammans med tusentals människorättsförsvarare som kämpar för att demokrati ska gälla och de mänskliga rättigheterna respekteras världen över. Vår uppgift är att se till att de kan arbeta säkrare, smartare och snabbare. Vi håller även makthavare i Sverige ansvariga när de kränker mänskliga rättigheter på hemmaplan.

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