Karolinska Institutet - English

Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2024


The Nobel Prize will be announced on Monday 7 October 2024 at 11.30 am (at the earliest).The announcement will be open only for media representatives who have been accredited in advance.

To participate on site in Nobel Forum you and any accompanying persons must have a valid press credential. In addition to a press ID, you must always bring a photo ID (driving licence, passport or other equivalent).
There will be a mandatory security check when entering Nobel Forum.
If you would like to attend this year’s prize announcement on site, please e- mail nobelforum@nobelprizemedicine.org

Your e-mail should include:
•    Name of media outlet and website
•    Your name, profession, e-mail and telephone number
•    Contact person in supervisory position
•    (Optional) request for interview after the press conference either on site, by phone or a video link.

Efforts will be made to arrange for interviews with experts.
The announcement will be broadcast live at www.nobelprize.org


About Nobel Prize

The Nobel Assembly, consisting of 50 professors at Karolinska Institutet, awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Its Nobel Committee evaluates the nominations. Since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded to scientists who have made the most important discoveries for the benefit of humankind.

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