Göteborg & Co AB

Gothenburg in Final Stretch of the Global Destination Sustainability Index 2024


The Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDSM) has announced the top five finalists for this year's GDS-Index, which ranks the sustainability efforts of over 100 destinations worldwide. Gothenburg, ranked number one since 2016, is once again a finalist. The final results will be announced on 16 October in Bruges.

– We are incredibly proud to once again be among the leading destinations in the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS-Index). This is a strong recognition of our long-standing commitment to sustainability and highlights the tireless efforts of all our stakeholders. They play a crucial role in the development of our destination, where sustainable development of world-class tourism and events also contributes to long-term positive impact and legacies. We are inspired to continue pushing boundaries and deepening our collaborative work within the destination, says Peter Grönberg, CEO of Göteborg & Co.

The Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDSI) is a comparative ranking initiated in 2016 by the Global Destination Sustainability Movement. Gothenburg has consistently held the top position. 

Leadership Award and Impact Award  

The Leadership Award is presented to the destination that best meets the criteria in the Global Destination Sustainability Index comparison. The ranking consists of around 80 criteria, measuring sustainability in all dimensions: ecological, social, and economic. To rank highly, it is not just the tourism industry—such as venues and hotels—that must be engaged, but also how the city as a whole addresses sustainability issues. Gothenburg stands as one of five finalists, alongside Copenhagen, Aarhus, Bergen, and Helsinki. 

Gothenburg is also a finalist for the Impact Award with its submission *"Gothenburg Way to Legacy"*. This framework, developed by Göteborg & Co, aims to create long-term effects from meetings and events for sustainable destination development. One example is the use of the 2024 IIHF World Junior Championship as a tool to promote inclusion and health in ice hockey, with the goal of creating positive societal impacts long after the event has concluded. 

The final results will be announced on 16 October, and the awards will be presented at the annual City DNA conference in Bruges. 


Om oss

Göteborg & Co:s mål är att få fler att upptäcka och välja Göteborg.
Det görs genom att i bred samverkan leda och driva utvecklingen av Göteborg som hållbar destination, så att alla som lever och verkar här gynnas av en växande besöksnäring.

Göteborg & Co är moderbolag i klustret Turism, Kultur & Evenemang där Liseberg, Got Event och Göteborgs Stadsteater ingår. Göteborg & Co är en del av Göteborgs Stad.

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