Ending violence against children is possible
NEW YORK – States and key stakeholders from the United Nations System, academia, civil society, and survivors’ organizations identified on Thursday effective and sustainable actions to tackle violence against children. The high-level event held at the United Nations Headquarters, "From Commitment to Action," was co-hosted by World Childhood Foundation, the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations, and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children, with the participation of HRH Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The event reinforced the need for continued and collaborative global action. Through shared experiences and expert insights, participants reiterated that protecting children must remain a core priority across all societal sectors to create a future free from violence for every child.
It gathered international leaders, advocates, and experts on violence against children. The meeting built on key progress and recommendations from the First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, held in Bogota, Colombia, on 7 and 8 November, and stressed the importance of effective follow-up.
“With the momentum from Bogota, we now have a shared vision and roadmap to guide us forward. Governments have committed to ending violence against children, and this must lead to real change,” said HRH Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Deputy Honorary Chair, World Childhood Foundation.
“The conference in Bogota was a springboard and I look forward to our continued work, both at national and international level. Together, we can create a safer and brighter future for all children,” said Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, the Swedish Minister for Social Services, in a video message.
The event also highlighted successful, integrated approaches to child protection that have the potential for broader implementation. Additionally, the event demonstrated how these strategies align with and enhance global commitments, such as those outlined in the Global Digital Compact.
Representatives underscored that translating high-level commitments into tangible actions is crucial for real change. The event also showcased effective partnerships and explored how collaborative monitoring of outcomes can strengthen global frameworks to protect children, especially in digital and physical spaces. It also underscored the importance of global cooperation in the ongoing efforts to protect children’s rights and well-being.
“Less than six years remain to keep the promise of the 2030 Agenda to end violence against children. There is no time to waste. We must act now, for and with children,” said Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid, the UN Special Representative on Violence Against Children.
Paula Guillet de Monthoux, Secretary-General, World Childhood Foundation stated: “Last week, 118 governments including 75 ministers gathered in Bogotá at the first-ever global ministerial conference on ending violence against children. And they made concrete commitments, on behalf of their countries, to the children of their countries, to do more to end violence against children”
Paula Guillet de Monthoux added: “This will need all of us. Now it’s time to prove ourselves and translate promises and knowledge into action”.
Watch the event through this link: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1q/k1q2ibqz7b
For more information, please contact: Charles Mingo Bennström, communications manager, World Childhood Foundation:
+46 (0)73-422 04 42
About World Childhood Foundation
Childhood prevents child sexual abuse. We do this in partnership with passionate pioneers, grassroots organizations, companies, foundations and other actors who share our vision of a world where no child is sexually abused. We invest in innovations, methods and partnerships that strengthen protection and reduce risks for particularly vulnerable groups. We engage in advocacy and increase knowledge and awareness of child sexual abuse. Our mission is to create long-term and sustainable change for children.
Our work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and aligned to the Sustainable development goals 5, 16 and 17. We are funded by companies, foundations and private donors. Childhood was founded in 1999 by Queen Silvia.
Charles Mingo BennströmWorld Childhood Foundation
Tel:+46 (0) 73-422 04 42charles.bennstrom@childhood.orgImages
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