Decision of the General Synod 2024
The second session of the General Synod with debates and decision-making is now closed.
During the General Synod, 73 motions and six communications were discussed. The decisions made include introducing a percentage threshold for elections to the General Synod.
The General Synod has also decided that the Central Board of the Church of Sweden may allocate extra funds to Act Church of Sweden if necessary when the Swedish Government makes changes to the focus of Sida’s development cooperation.
The General Synod has also tasked the Central Board with producing materials with more in-depth information on different wedding traditions, including giving away the bride. The Central Board is also tasked with continuing to work theologically on the umbrella concept of LGBTQIA+, as well as on polyamory.
After a close vote, the General Synod decided to appoint a commission of inquiry into the role of the Church of Sweden as a cultural actor, and to propose measures to secure the future need for resources.
Finally, the General Synod issued a statement based on this year’s theme of The Church in the Public Space. It sets the direction for the Church of Sweden’s role in society and the public debate.
The General Synod is the highest decision-making body of the Church of Sweden, deciding on issues common to the entire Church of Sweden. This year, 73 motions and 6 communications were considered.
Shortcut to some of the decisions:
Kl 2024:5 Giving away the bride at weddings
Kl 2024:04 The Church of Sweden and LGBTQ issues
O 2024:1 Electoral issues (with percentage threshold and equalisation mandate)
E 2024:1 Operations and finances (with funding from Act Church of Sweden)
Eu 2024:07 Realising religious freedom in a multi-faith society
TU 2024:01 Ban on disclosing information relating to the emergency preparedness of the Church of Sweden
SK 2024:10 Cultural commission of inquiry
About the General Synod
The General Synod is the highest decision-making body of the Church of Sweden and its 251 members are elected by church members.
It makes decisions on matters concerning the Church Ordinance (the Church of Sweden’s regulatory framework) and other issues of importance to the entire Church of Sweden, such as the Book of Worship and the Hymn Book. Other examples include the church’s organisation, belonging to the Church of Sweden and the church’s ordained ministry.
However, the General Synod cannot make decisions on matters that are the responsibility of parishes or dioceses.
Press secretary on duty
Tel:+46 18 16 94 75The Church of Sweden is a national church, open to everyone living in Sweden regardless of nationality. It is a place for church services, meetings and dialogue. The Church of Sweden is an Evangelical Lutheran church with 5,5 million members. There are 3500 churches in Sweden, and 13 dioceses. THE INTERNATIONAL WORK Collaborating and cooperating with other churches and organisations is at the core of the Church of Sweden´s international mission. As a church, we are part of the worldwide community of churches.
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