
The Swedish Transport Administration is taking steps towards the new process within the EU for the allocation of train capacity


To coordinate train traffic between several countries and create a reliable and harmonized process for the allocation of railway capacity has so far been a difficult nut to crack within the EU. However, within a year or so, a new european regulation is expected to be adopted for, among other things, the allocation of railway capacity, with the aim of facilitating cross-border and national traffic.

Roberto Maiorana, Director General of Swedish Transport Administration. Photo: Elin Gårdestig
Roberto Maiorana, Director General of Swedish Transport Administration. Photo: Elin Gårdestig

As a first step in the decision-making chain, representatives of the EU countries' respective infrastructure managers, for the Swedish part Trafikverket, met on 28th November in Vienna and decided to strengthen and accelerate their cooperation in a European platform, the European Network of Infrastructure Managers (ENIM).

The purpose of the platform is to create  better harmonised conditions for rail traffic in Europe and to be ready on the day the EU decides to introduce the new regulation, which is currently undergoing negotiations between the European Commission, the Member States and the EU Parliament.

As linked to growing demand and to the necessity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport, the european infrastructure managers are investing in the renewal of an aging network, in its upgrade and its development. The increased demand for mobility implies that the infrastructure must be handled in a smarter and more efficient way.

– A new, more efficient capacity planning process needs to be developed so as to satisfy the urgent need to carry out extensive construction works while increasing offer and improving Infrastructure managers performance, at the service of our customers, says Roberto Maiorana, Director General of Swedish Transport Administration.

For several years, infrastructure managers have been working on developing a process for capacity planning, traffic management and performance management. In Vienna, on November the 28th, representatives of european infrastructure managers have taken significant steps forward in the implementation of some of ENIM’s most sensitive tasks. 

– Conditions are now in place for us as infrastructure managers to offer improved capacity for trains on our network, to better carry out constructions works, to increase our effort for military mobility, easier cross-border links between countries, which I hope will result in satisfied citizens and business, says Roberto Maiorana.



For more informations:

Linda Thulin, International relations, 010-123 51 38

Trafikverkets presstjänst, 0771-31 15 00, öppettider vardagar klockan 08.00-16.30

Trafikverket ansvarar för långsiktig planering av det samlade transportsystemet samt byggande, drift och underhåll av statliga vägar och järnvägar. Vår vision är att alla kommer fram smidigt, grönt och tryggt. På Trafikverket jobbar cirka 10 000 engagerade medarbetare som tillsammans bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom sina olika roller och kunskaper.

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