Sweden welcomes the Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe to Gothenburg
The Swedish Network of Convention Bureaus will play host to the first meeting of 2025 for The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe (SANCBE), a network of 29 national destination marketing organisations, on 30–31 January. The global meetings sector is growing rapidly, and the alliance aims to strengthen Europe’s position as a destination for international business events.

“The decision to host the SANCBE biannual meeting in Gothenburg reflects Sweden’s growing reputation as a competitive and sustainable destination for international meetings,” says Matthias Schultze, Co-Chair of SANCBE and Managing Director of the German Convention Bureau.
The meeting industry creates employment opportunities and stimulates economic growth, but it also facilitates the exchange of knowledge and innovation. More and more destinations are recognizing the importance of the meetings industry to address the challenges facing our societies.
“Meetings and events are about exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge. That's why we are honored to have our colleagues from all over Europe. This is a unique opportunity to showcase Sweden's west coast and be inspired by our international colleagues in sustainability and innovation,” said Annika Hallman, Director of Gothenburg Convention Bureau at Göteborg & Co.
The event takes place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and Gothia Towers in Gothenburg, one of Europe’s most prominent venues with all under one roof. Sweden´s second city is the home of Volvo, and the event will include a visit to World of Volvo an Experience Center for events and meetings that opened in 2024. The program will exemplify Gothenburg’s commitment and vision regarding innovation and sustainability.
“It is an honour for Sweden to host the SANCBE biannual meeting. Since Sweden does not have a national convention bureau, Gothenburg’s role as a renowned international player in the meetings industry makes it a worthy host for this significant gathering,” said Ulrika Hed, Chair of SNCVB.
Göteborg & Co is the official destination management organization (DMO) of the City of Gothenburg and its metropolitan area.
Swedish Network of Convention Bureaus - SNCVB is a network of 26 regional and local convention bureaux across Sweden, working together to attract international meetings and congresses.
The annual Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe - SANCBE meeting is a key event for fostering collaboration and sharing best practices among Europe’s national convention bureaux. The previous meeting was held in Edinburgh in September 2024.
Annika HallmanDirector Gothenburg Convention BureauGöteborg & Co Möten
Tel:+46 (0)31 3684052annika.hallman@goteborg.comStefan GaddPress & Corporate Communications managerGöteborg & Co
Tel:+46 (0)31-3684030Tel:+46 (0)706-260751stefan.gadd@goteborg.comImages

About us
Göteborg & Co is the official destination management organisation of the City of Gothenburg and the metropolitan area. We act as a non-commercial and neutral party in the development of Gothenburg in tourism, events and meetings. Gothenburg Convention Bureau is part of Göteborg & Co.
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