
Statement on Serbia


The Social Democratic Party of Sweden expresses its full solidarity with the students and citizens of Serbia who have bravely taken to the streets in protest against the erosion of democratic values and freedoms; sparked by the tragic accident in Novi Sad on 1 November 2024 where a concrete canopy of the rail station collapsed, killing 15 people and injuring several more. Their determination to fight for a better, more just society is an inspiration to us all, and we stand with them in their calls for meaningful reform, greater transparency, and the protection of fundamental rights. Their voices echo the desire for a future free from corruption, oppression, and inequality, and we believe their demands should be heard and supported by the international community.

We strongly support the demand for justice for the victims and urge Serbian authorities to address the root causes of this devastating event. This includes tackling corruption and strengthening the rule of law to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

We call on the European Union to take a stronger stance in condemning the actions of the Serbian authorities and the government's increasing disregard for democratic norms, freedom of expression and the rule of law. As a close partner and friend of Serbia, the EU must hold the government accountable and demand urgent measures to respect democracy, human rights, and civic space. A more vocal and unified response from the EU is essential in safeguarding the aspirations of Serbia’s people and ensuring that their voices are not silenced.

The Social Democratic Party is gravely concerned by reports of arrests and violence targeting the protest movement. We call upon Serbian authorities to ensure full respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the rule of law.

We urge the European Union to support the students' requests, their legitimate right to protest and demand a future that upholds the democratic values upon which the EU was founded. The citizens of Serbia deserve a Europe that stands with them in their pursuit of justice, equality, and dignity.

Morgan Johansson, Deputy Chair Committee on Foreign Affairs

Azra Muranovic, Deputy member Committee on Foreign Affairs

Press contact 

Ayan Jamil - Press Officer 

+46 72 716 60 23 

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