Energy policy makes the EU unnecessarily vulnerable
“A transition to wind power, it starts with wind and it ends with fossil fuel”, says Assistant Professor Christian Sandström. In the latest episode of The Fall of Europe? Henrik Jönsson examines European wind power.

In 2020, the EU Climate Law was adopted. It made it legally binding for each member state to achieve the goal called "net zero" by 2050. The union aims to become climate-neutral, which means that fossil energy production must be phased out in just 25 years.
Is this possible? The EU's preferred energy source to replace coal, oil, and gas is wind power. Unfortunately, wind power is an ineffective and unreliable energy source that will not be able to electrify Europe.
The risks associated with the energy policy that EU countries have committed to are significant and lead to greater vulnerability in an already sensitive geopolitical situation. This is the argument made by Henrik Jönsson in episode 3 of The Fall of Europe?, where Germany's green transition – Energiewende – is highlighted as a cautionary example.
About the series
Episodes are released on the YouTube channel Fall of Europe every Wednesday at 6:00 PM. In ten episodes, Swedish YouTuber Henrik Jönsson travels to Brussels for a candid and honest examination of the consequences of EU policies for growth, employment, and security policy.
“The Fall of Europe?” is EPHI and Henrik Jönsson's first initiative for an English-speaking audience and the second collaboration following the successful production of the Swedish talk show 100%. In the series, Jönsson interviews well-known thinkers and politicians. The executive producer is Marie Söderqvist, CEO of EPHI.
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Tel:+46 707240971marie.soderqvist@ephi.seBilder

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