Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Ballet launches the Young Dancers Programme with the help of a private donation


Seven young dancers will take part in The Royal Swedish Ballet’s Young Dancers Programme, starting this autumn, which has been made possible thanks to a donation from Enrica and Mats Hallvarsson's association for young dancers.

Standing: Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, Pietro Zeron, donor Mats Hallvarsson. Sitting: Bonnie Ahlström, Ida Säfvestad, Ryan Handa, Ella De Geer. In front: Rhyan Foerster. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/ Markus Gårder
Standing: Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, Pietro Zeron, donor Mats Hallvarsson. Sitting: Bonnie Ahlström, Ida Säfvestad, Ryan Handa, Ella De Geer. In front: Rhyan Foerster. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/ Markus Gårder Photo: Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera

The Royal Swedish Ballet has long strived for its own youth programme, with the aim of ensuring the regrowth and development of classical ballet in Sweden, and giving selected dancers a good transition from education to professional life.

Now the time has come for taking the step from dream to reality with the help of a donation of SEK 50 million from Mr. Mats Hallvarsson, managed by Enrica and Mats Hallvarsson's association for young dancers. Seven very promising dancers will be included in the first year, which begins in the autumn of 2025. The vision is to with time develop the programme into a Youth Company with 10-12 young dancers, continuously supported by the donation.

»For 50 years, the Royal Swedish Ballet has been a constant source of joy for me and my wife. As a gesture of gratitude, I am donating SEK 50 million as a foundation to the Royal Swedish Ballet's Young Dancers Programme. I am extremely pleased that the Royal Swedish Opera is now launching this initiative with seven such talented dancers, who will help to ensure the regrowth of ballet in Sweden. My gift comes from a warm love for ballet, an art form that has given me so much. Now, I get a chance to give something back«,  says Mats Hallvarsson, donor.

»We are proud to be able to launch the The Royal Swedish Ballet’s Young Dancers Programme, which has been a dream and a goal for me throughout my time as Artistic Director. The program fulfils an important function as a bridge between dance education and professional life, so that the dancers can grow and find their identity as professional ballet dancers«,  says Nicolas Le Riche, the Royal Swedish Ballet’s Artistic Director.

»It feels fantastic to be able to make this investment in young dancers and the development of ballet. Mats' generosity for the benefit of the ballet is extremely valuable, and without his donation this would not have been possible«, says Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of the Royal Swedish Opera.

The dancers who will start in The Royal Swedish Ballet's Young Dancers Programme this autumn come from Sweden, Italy and the USA and have been recruited in connection with auditions or previous internships during their training. The programme includes lectures and training sessions in various areas, as well as extra coaching and mentoring in addition to their participation in the Royal Swedish Ballet's regular activities.

Mentoring is an important part of the Royal Swedish Ballet's work with skills development, and within the talent programme, this method will have extra focus.

A number of new dancers will be admitted to the programme each autumn, which extends over 1 year with the aim of subsequently obtaining regular positions at the Royal Swedish Ballet or at other equivalent international institutions.

Participants in the The Royal Swedish Ballet's Young Dancers programme 2025-2026

Ella De Geer – Sweden

Bonnie Ahlström – Sweden

Ida Säfvestad – Sweden

Rhyan Foerster – USA

Alexander Mockrish – Sweden

Ryan Handa – USA

Pietro Ziron – Italy

About the Royal Swedish Ballet

The Royal Swedish Ballet is one of the world's oldest ballet companies and was founded as early as 1773 by King Gustav III. It is Sweden's largest dance company with the mission to nurture and develop classical ballet, in combination with modern and innovative works. As the National Stage for ballet, the Royal Swedish Ballet offers both pointe and tulle as well as modern choreography. With one foot in the tradition and the other in the future, the company has a loyal and growing audience.



Standing: Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, Pietro Zeron, donor Mats Hallvarsson. Sitting: Bonnie Ahlström, Ida Säfvestad, Ryan Handa, Ella De Geer. In front: Rhyan Foerster. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/ Markus Gårder
Standing: Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, Pietro Zeron, donor Mats Hallvarsson. Sitting: Bonnie Ahlström, Ida Säfvestad, Ryan Handa, Ella De Geer. In front: Rhyan Foerster. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/ Markus Gårder
Photo: Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera
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Fredrik Lindgren, CEO Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Markus Gårder
Fredrik Lindgren, CEO Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Markus Gårder
Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera
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The Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
The Royal Swedish Opera. Photo: Markus Gårder
Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera
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