Church of Sweden gains new bishop: Sören Dalevi
In her sermon, the Archbishop turned to Sören Dalevi:
“Sören, soon you will be entrusted with the wonderful mandate of leadership that the Church has remained steadfast to for centuries. You are going to become a bishop. In Karlstad Diocese.(…) Your motto is: person among people. As a bishop you will also truly be a person among people, with the task of exercising your leadership as a service to the fellowship. Today we welcome you with joy and expectation into this service.”
Bishop Sören Dalevi describes his feelings: “It feels tremendous, but I am merely a person among people. And I want to continue to be that. In Karlstad Diocese I would like to promote the folkkyrka [literally: folk church, church of the people], in which children and the elderly, irrespective of class, gender, sexual orientation or background will feel a sense of affirmation and affinity. Everyone is included.”
Sören Dalevi has chosen the following to be his motto: person among people. It comes from the theologian named Irenaeus, 130–200 AD. “He has a great deal to contribute to our day and age. Life as a Christian involves being a person through and through – God does not deliver us fromlife, but to life,” says Bishop Sören.
For interviews and if you have any further questions, please contact Greta Sjöbom, communications officer in Karlstad Diocese, by calling +46 (0)54 17 24 63, or +46 (0)733 10 04 63,
At 15:00 on Sunday 4 September Karlstad Diocese will welcome its new bishop, Sören Dalevi, in a service with Holy Communion in Karlstad Cathedral.
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