Gothenburg retains first place among sustainable destinations in the world
“This is a fantastic recognition of Gothenburg's long-term sustainability work. Succeeding in maintaining the top position for the sixth year is an achievement that shows that the city and the hospitality industry take sustainability work seriously and challenges other cities to do the same”, says Peter Grönberg, CEO of Göteborg & Co.
The Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDSI), a comparative ranking, was started in 2016 by the organization Global Destination Sustainability Movement. Since the start, Gothenburg has been placed at the top every time. Sustainability in all dimensions is measured; ecological, social, and economic. But to get high in the ranking, it is important that the hospitality industry with facilities and hotels are committed and involved, and how the city in general works with sustainability issues.
“We’re extremely proud to once again be at the top of the list. The competition is tougher than ever, which is also more important than ever. We want to be a pioneer and maintain the position, as it spurs us on and makes the destination attractive. Being able to offer a sustainable supply and tourism that gives more than it takes is beneficial for our industry, the citizens of Gothenburg, and those who visit us, " says Katarina Thorstensson, sustainability strategist at Gothenburg & Co.
The GDSI is a broad measurement of how well the cities are working with sustainability and is based on collaboration and everyone's contribution with partners in the hospitality industry and the city. Assessment and scoring are based on 71 different criteria that cover everything from emissions of greenhouse gases, recycling, accessibility, inclusion, safety and security, and sustainability-certified hotels and restaurants to whether there are sustainability strategies in both public and private actors.
Read more about GDSI and all cities' results: The Global Destination Sustainability Movement (
Stefan GaddPress & Corporate Communications managerGöteborg & Co
Tel:+46 (0)31-3684030Tel:+46 (0)706-260751stefan.gadd@goteborg.comKatarina ThorstenssonSustainability StrategistGöteborg & Co
Tel:+46 (0)31-3684285katarina.thorstensson@goteborg.comImages
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Göteborg & Co is the official destination management organisation of the City of Gothenburg and the metropolitan area. We act as a non-commercial and neutral party in the development of Gothenburg in tourism, events and meetings.
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