
IPsoft Launches Amelia Healthcare Practice to Transform the Healthcare Workforce and Patient Experience with Cognitive AI


NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IPsoft, the leading digital labor company, is to launch a vertically focused portfolio of solutions for the healthcare industry based on its AI platform, Amelia. A series of Amelia Health Agent offerings are under development in a program of co-collaboration with healthcare providers, health systems, health insurers and life sciences organizations. The first releases will target high volume processes and interactions that will deliver tangible improvements for providers, insurers, carers and patients. 

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The new practice builds on the positive results of Amelia implementations across industries to target the healthcare AI market, which is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 20211. 

"We have seen the hype about AI's ability to find cures for major diseases overnight.  Now it is time to recover AI's reputation by applying advanced cognitive technology to the daily operations of the sector in order to provide demonstrable benefits to patients and the organizations who treat them," said Chetan Dube, IPsoft President and CEO.  

In order to develop and lead this new global practice, IPsoft has appointed David Champeaux as its global Cognitive Director, Healthcare Solutions. David has deep experience in designing and leading technology-enabled transformations within the healthcare sector both in his previous role as a Partner in McKinsey & Company's Healthcare practice and McKinsey Digital, where he served clients in Europe, Australia and the US, and as Managing Director leading Accenture's UK Healthcare Strategy practice.

"Routine cognitive processes can take up to 51% of a nurse's and 17% of a doctor's time - which is frustrating when Health Systems struggle with affordability and workforce shortages and patients complain about access. With Amelia's unique combination of human-like conversational intelligence, advanced analytics and dynamic processes execution, we finally have the opportunity to transform healthcare by freeing up its human capital - addressing challenges in access, quality, and efficiency," said David Champeaux.

In hospitals, Amelia can have significant and immediate impact relieving those who should be caring for patients from routine interactions, by helping manage operational and administrative processes such as booking rooms and beds or coordinating patient transfers.

For chronic conditions, which account for 86%2 of healthcare spend in the US, Amelia can help health institutions establish sustainable delivery at scale of proactive, coordinated patient care plans. For example, she can streamline most administrative and operational arrangements, such as providing information, booking regular appointments and scheduling tests.

For health insurers, Amelia can help improve the customer experience and efficiency of routine member services. Amelia can deliver affordable 24/7 availability to answer eligibility and coverage questions, or initiate and manage claims. In parallel, by employing Amelia, health insurance providers will be able to connect back-end underwriting systems and processes to every customer conversation, delivering instant scale to their operations.

Amelia is the most human and comprehensive AI platform on the market. Uniquely, Amelia connects conversations to data and processes in order to provide a personalized service to every customer, at scale. Across the US, Europe and Asia, global organizations are employing Amelia to improve customer experience and drive enhanced productivity.

To learn more about how Amelia can transform business operations and customer interactions, visit

About IPsoft
IPsoft automates IT and business processes for enterprises across a wide range of industries through the use of digital labor. Through its portfolio of world leading autonomic and cognitive solutions it provides services that allow its clients to secure competitive advantage. Headquartered in New York City, IPsoft has offices in 18 countries across the world and serves more than 500 of the world's leading companies directly as well as more than half of the world's largest IT services providers. To learn more about IPsoft's solutions please visit


Daniela Zuin, 212-708-5521
Mobile: 917-822-0484
Finn Partners for IPsoft
Erica McDonald, 646-202-9784
Mobile: 732-713-2354

Frost & Sullivan, Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Computing Systems in Healthcare

2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website Data

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
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Source: IPsoft via Globenewswire

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