Swedish Prosecution Authority

Main hearing starts tomorrow in Solna District Court in a case concerning aggravated assault

Tomorrow, Wednesday 27 April at 9 a.m, the main hearing starts in Solna District Court in a case where a former surgeon at Karolinska University Hospital is prosecuted for aggravated assault of three people who had synthetic tracheas implanted at Karolinska University Hospital. All three persons have deceased.

Solna District Court case number: B 10553-18. 

Chief Prosecutor Jim Westerberg and Senior Prosecutor Karin Lundström-Kron will be available for short media interviews at Solna District Court on 4 May at 5 p.m. Details concerning this will be announced next week. The prosecutors will not be available to the media before that.

Press Service, +46 10 562 50 20



Swedish Prosecution Authority
Swedish Prosecution Authority


The Swedish Prosecution Authority contributes to combatting crime in an effective and legally complaint way.

The Swedish prosecutor has a central role within the judicial system, both in Sweden and in an international context. The prosecutor’s role is to independently lead criminal investigations, make decisions on charges and take cases to court.

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