
Mitratech Strengthens Position in African Market with Union Systems Partnership


AUSTIN, Texas, March 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitratech, the leading provider of legal, compliance and risk management software announced today that it reached a partnership agreement with Union Systems Limited (USL), a leading information technology company specializing in the marketing and implementation of software solutions for banks and financial institutions across Africa. 

USL will market and implement Mitratech's DataStoreDSX Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software solution, which for over 20 years has been the industry standard ECM solution for banks in Africa with clients in every sub-Saharan country. This alliance strengthens both USL and Mitratech's position as the leading source of information governance and content management technology on a continent home to six of the world's ten fastest growing economies. With the increased ability to store, view, archive and distribute huge volumes of data regularly, DataStoreDSX helps banks comply with regulations including those frequently updated by Central Banks and various international regulatory bodies.      

"We have been supporting software at African banks for many years and we work with leading banks in different countries, so it is crucial for USL to engage with partners who can guarantee quality and bring a high level of expertise to our customers," said Aonghus GeraghtyPresident and Chief Sales Officer at Union Systems Limited.  "Digital technologies are characterized by large network effects, large fixed costs and close to zero marginal cost. At USL, we feel that these are key points for banks planning to be the big winners in the African market. Through our partnership with Mitratech, we will be able to help such ambitious banks fully automate their document handling across the entire bank, helping maintain regulatory compliance, reduce costs and improve customer service."

Over 25 banks, including the biggest bank in Africa and the most profitable bank in the continent's largest market, count on Mitratech to help them meet the increasing demand for customization, communications and access to customer information.  DataStoreDSX supports key enterprise processes and delivers end-to-end control of all content across an organization, including scanned documents, text files, images, word documents, emails, print streams, spreadsheets and more.  By providing a single source digital repository for structured and unstructured corporate information, DataStoreDSX integrates seamlessly with line of business applications to help manage information at an enterprise level and support an organization's immediate and future regulatory, legal, risk and operational requirements. 

"We are very excited to welcome Union Systems Limited to our partner network," added Connor Blake, Director of Alliances & Partnerships for Mitratech. "The combination of our DataStoreDSX document management solution, coupled with USL's expertise and long-term relationships with African banks, can only help further establish DataStoreDSX as the de facto standard for Enterprise Content Management in the region.  It delivers outstanding results by adapting to constantly changing operating conditions, regulations and competition." 

For more information on Mitratech, visit  For more information on Union Systems Limited, visit

About Union Systems Limited
Union Systems Limited (USL) is an Information Technology Company focused on the support of advanced software for leading banks and financial institutions across Africa.  With headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria, the company has a deep understanding of the African markets.  Since the company was formed in 1993, USL has developed partnerships with international blue chip organisations including IBM, Oracle, Finastra, FircoSoft, 01 Systems and Mitratech.  To learn more, visit 

About Mitratech
Mitratech is a market-leading provider of legal, compliance and risk software solutions for more than 1,200 organizations of all sizes across the globe, representing almost 40 percent of the Fortune 500, and over 500,000 users in over 160 countries. Mitratech's portfolio of enterprise legal and risk management software includes: legal matter management, spend management, eBilling, legal hold, contracts management, risk management, policy management, audit management and health & safety management. To learn more, visit

Ellen Mason, Mitratech,, +1.512.646.8802

Ngozi Ilondu, Union Systems Limited,, +234.803.894.9461

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
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Source: Mitratech via Globenewswire

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