
Request for detention of Julian Assange

Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today submitted an application for a detention order to Uppsala District Court, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence. After the detention hearing the prosecutor will be present for questions from the media.

“I request the District Court to detain Assange in his absence, on probable cause suspected for rape (less serious crime). If the court decides to detain him, I will issue a European Arrest Warrant concerning surrender to Sweden”, says Eva-Marie Persson

Julian Assange has been convicted of a crime in the UK and will serve 25 weeks of his sentence before he can be released, according to information obtained from UK authorities. An extradition process is ongoing in the UK, with the possible outcome of him being extradited to the US.

“In the event of a conflict between a European Arrest Warrant and a request for extradition from the US, UK authorities will decide on the order of priority. The outcome of this process is impossible to predict. However, in my view the Swedish case can proceed concurrently with the proceedings in the UK”, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson.

Day and time for the detention hearing has not yet been decided. The Uppsala District Court will make this decision.

Immediately after the detention hearing, Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson will be present in the Court to answer questions from the media. An interpreter will also be present.

Before the hearing the prosecutor will not answer questions from the media.

Case number in Uppsala District Court: B 3167-19.

Press release when the preliminary investigation was resumed 13 May (link)

Uppsala District Court

Press Service
+46 10 562 50 20





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