24 träffarArchbishop´s meeting

Svenska kyrkan

Return of Sámi human remains highlighted in UN review11.6.2020 13:15:00 CEST | Svenska kyrkan | Press Release

Ahead of the UN’s general review of Sweden’s compliance with human rights requirements, the Church of Sweden and the Christian Council of Sweden presented a parallel report with a number of recommendations. The government recently approved several of these recommendations regarding, for example, repatriation of Sámi human remains. However, they rejected the recommendation of additional protection for the right of asylum seekers to leave their religion or convert.
Svenska kyrkan

The Archbishop to hold meeting on religion and migration21.1.2020 16:00:00 CET | Svenska kyrkan | Press Release

On 27-30 January, around 70 people from 15 European countries will gather for a meeting in Malmö on one of the major contemporary and future issues of our time, migration. The meeting is part of the programme A World of Neighbours, initiated by Archbishop Antje Jackelén. The aim is to create an interreligious European network for practitioners working with refugees and migrants, in order to promote social sustainability.
Svenska kyrkan

Archbishop to visit churches in Brazil and Colombia10.10.2019 10:00:00 CEST | Svenska kyrkan | Press Release

This weekend, Archbishop Antje Jackelén will travel to South America to visit the Lutheran churches in Brazil (IECLB) and Colombia (IELCO). She is invited as the main speaker at a national priests’ and deacons’ meeting in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil. In Colombia, which is currently in the midst of a complex and fragile peace process, the archbishop will hold talks with various stakeholders about the importance of continuing the peace process and allowing transitional justice to be observed.
Svenska kyrkan

Gratifying focus on next year´s Book Fair4.10.2019 11:08:17 CEST | Svenska kyrkan | Press Release

The focus country for the 2020 Göteborg Book Fair is South Africa. It is a choice that is welcomed by the Church of Sweden, which is the Book Fair’s largest partner. “It is with pleasure and inspiration that we are starting the work arranging next year’s programme, which will be characterised by the Church of Sweden’s longstanding involvement in South Africa,” says Archbishop Antje Jackelén.
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