44 träffarGroup Night

37th Maschsee Festival in Hannover begins at the end of July and promises 19 days of maritime open-air flair in the heart of the city24.7.2024 13:13:58 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

On 31 July Maschsee Festival in Hannover will kick off for the 37th time. For 19 days – until 18 August – the capital city of Lower Saxony will host Germany’s largest lakeside festival on and around the water. With epicurean highlights spread over an area of around 20,000 square metres, Maschsee Festival has earned a well-deserved reputation as a gourmet’s paradise and nothing will change this year. Visitors can look forward to a culinary trip around the world and enjoy international cuisine ranging from Oriental to Mexican, from Asian to Scandinavian or down-to-earth German fare, served in an exclusive, exotic or traditional setting or as fingerfood to go. The new Food Village at Geibel, for example, covers an area of around 1400 square metres and, in addition to a wonderful selection of food, will also feature two of Hannover’s leading wine bars, Enrico Leone and Le Sommelier. From Wednesdays to Sundays there will also be entertainment with live music, DJ sets and boozy brunches. The
Moment Group

Prisbelönta historien om Dreamgirls blir musikal på China Teatern i Stockholm13.3.2024 09:00:00 CET | Moment Group | Pressmeddelande

Den hyllade musikalen om Dreamgirls kommer för första gången att sättas upp som musikal i Norden. Dreamgirls – The Musical har spelats för fulla hus på såväl Broadway som i West End samt filmatiserats 2006 med bland andra Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson och Eddie Murphy i huvudrollerna. Dreamgirls - The Musical bjuder på en gripande resa fylld av drömmar, kärlek, vänskap och svek i regi av en av landets mest hyllade regissörer, Edward af Sillén med svensk översättning av Calle Norlén. Premiär 12 september 2024 på China Teatern i Stockholm.

Audi på bilsalongen IAA i München: Världspremiär för interiören i Q6 e-tron1.9.2023 17:15:57 CEST | Audi | Pressmeddelande

Nedräkningen för Audis första elbil baserad på den nya PPE-plattformen (Premium Platform Electric) har påbörjats. Under Volkswagen-koncernens Media Night den 3:e september avtäcker Audi den revolutionerande förarmiljön och interiören i Q6 e-tron. Under mediadagen på IAA Mobility i München den 4:e september, kommer journalister att få ytterligare en möjlighet att lära känna interiören i den kommande Q6 e-tron serien.
Karolinska Institutet - English

Women severely affected by chronic cluster headache21.12.2022 21:00:00 CET | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

Cluster headache, sometimes known as “suicide headache”, have been described as a predominantly male disease. New research from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden now shows that women who have the disease are more affected in their daily lives. They have longer periods of pain, a higher frequency of related symptoms, use more prophylactic medicine and take more sick leave. The results are published in two studies in the journal Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Spring 2023 at Dramaten, featuring Ahmed El Attar, Nina Wähä and Niki Tsappos9.11.2022 15:55:52 CET | Dramaten | Press Release

The author Nina Wähä and the playwright Ahmed El Attar have both written new plays for Dramaten. Klaus Mann’s Mefisto, directed by Natalie Ringler, opens on the Main Stage, and Thomas Ostermeier produces the monologue Vox humana. Choreographer Niki Tsappos explores rhythm in a new dance performance for Unga Dramaten. Also, classics such as Chekhov’s Körsbärsträdgården (The Cherry Orchard) in the hands of director Michael Thalheimer, and Shakespeare’s Stormen (The Tempest) in a new, improved version by Staffan Valdemar Holm. Today, Mattias Andersson, director and artistic director of Dramaten, and the actor Electra Hallman presented the spring repertoire.
Kungliga Operan

The Royal Swedish Opera celebrates 250 years with a twist throughout 202324.10.2022 12:00:00 CEST | Kungliga Operan | Pressmeddelande

The National Stage of Opera and Ballet celebrates its 250th anniversary in grand. On January 18, an Anniversary Gala is held and the year is then rounded off on New Year's Eve with a large Masquerade Ball. In between, a repertoire that unites past, present and future and, among many other things, houses the world premiere of Melancholia – a new operatic interpretation of Lars Von Trier's film. Tickets for SEK 250 will be available for productions throughout the anniversary year and this summer the audience will be invited to a record-breaking sale of costumes.
Film i Väst - Your Scandinavian Partner in Co-Productions

Film i Väst co-produces Lukas Moodysson's new feature Together 9920.5.2022 11:39:47 CEST | Film i Väst - Your Scandinavian Partner in Co-Productions | Press Release

Film i Väst will co-produce the internationally acclaimed director Lukas Moodysson's and Memfis Film's new feature film Together 99. The first feature film Together became a huge success with audiences and critics in Sweden as well as the rest of the world. The new film takes place in 1999, 24 years after the first film. Principal photography for Together 99 will take place in the western part of Sweden in August-September.
Moment Group

Sanna Nielsen gör ny stor Julkonsertturné21.4.2022 08:59:58 CEST | Moment Group | Pressmeddelande

Efter en bejublad succé i vintras är Sanna Nielsen tillbaka med sin julkonsert ”Min Sanna Jul". I november-december hon sig åter ut på en stor julkonsertturné runt om i Sverige och besöker inte mindre än 18 städer. Biljetterna släpps den 25 april via showtic.se. -Det kan ju låta märkligt att prata julen redan nu, men faktum är att biljetterna i fjol gick åt extremt snabbt, så vi vill ge alla chansen att i god tid boka in och se julkonserten, säger producent Patrik Krall.
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