18 träffarPeter Weiss

news aktuell GmbH

CIVIS Media Prize 2024 | eight programmes honoured27.5.2024 20:30:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

27.05.2024 – Berlin (ots) | The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2024 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the social media format STRG_F: Israel and Gaza: Life between terror and war (NDR | funk) by authors Manuel Biallas, Armin Ghassim, Lisa Hagen, Mariam Noori, Timo Robben, Sulaiman Tadmory. The film depicts the fate of two young people affected by Hamas' attack on Israel and Israel's war in Gaza: the German-Israeli Yarden and the German-Palestinian Abed. The production is also the winner of the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD in the Social Media Formats category. The CIVIS Media Award jury explained its decision as follows: “The production is partisan in the best sense of the word - it is firmly on the side of empathy and humanity. It does not impose its own judgements on the audience, but instead provides intense impressions and profound insights that enable them to form their own opinion about the curr
news aktuell GmbH

CIVIS Media Prize 2023 | eight programmes honoured and a special prize for Isabel Schayani7.6.2023 09:08:51 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

06.06.2023 – Berlin (ots) | The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2023 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the documentary ARTE THEMA: Last Refuge - The House at the Gate to the Sahara (ARTE G.E.I.E), by the author and director Ousmane Samassékou. A work about people on the move, on the southern edge of the Sahara, about their dreams and traumas. The production is also the winner of the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD in the category Information. Explaining its decision, the jury of the CIVIS Media Prize states: „The documentary tells of the fortunes of these migrants, empathetically but never obtrusively, close but never encroaching. A documentary, haunting like few others.“ The VIDEO AWARD in the Entertainment category goes to author Ulf Ryberg with The Lost, Episode 1 (SVT). Katz Laszlo and Mohamed Bah win with Mohamed (The Europeans | Are We Europe) in the VIDEO AWARD | Social Media Format category. The
ARD Presse

CIVIS Media Prize 2022 | eight programmes honoured – documentary receives TOP AWARD3.6.2022 13:45:00 CEST | ARD Presse | Pressmeddelande

03.06.2022 – Cologne (ots) The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2022 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the documentary film Schwarze Adler (Black Eagles) (Amazon Prime Video | BROADVIEW | ZDF), by author and director Torsten Körner. The film tells the story of social prejudice and hostility against black footballers. It is also the winner of the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD in the information category. The jury of the CIVIS Media Prize praised Torsten Körner´s documentary as “emotionally moving, journalistically and artistically to the point - the plight of these eagles in the German national jersey gets under your skin." The VIDEO AWARD in the entertainment category goes to Paul Mommertz und Magnus Vattrodt, authors of The Wannsee Conference (ZDF | Constantin Television). Fitore Muzaqi, Henrik Schütz and Stefanie Vollmann come top in the VIDEO AWARD/Social Media Formats category with My scar: Martin w

Nio europeiska teatrar ger en bild av Europa under pandemin10.6.2020 09:06:17 CEST | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

Stories from Europe: Crisis and Reflection är ett internationellt samarbete mellan Dramaten och åtta europeiska teatrar som bygger på vittnesmål från människor som arbetar i samhällsbärande funktioner. I korta monologer framför skådespelare de intervjuades personliga och existentiella berättelser som bearbetats av en dramatiker. Stories from Europe: Crisis and Reflection har premiär på Dramaten.se och på de medverkande teatrarnas hemsidor fredagen den 12 juni, klockan 12.00.

Nine European theatres paint a picture of Europe during the pandemic10.6.2020 09:00:00 CEST | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

Stories from Europe: Crisis and Reflection, an international collaboration between the Royal Dramatic Theatre and eight European theatres, based on testimonies from people working in community-supporting functions. Short monologues performed by actors, the interviewers' personal and existential stories which have been edited by a playwright/dramatist. Stories from Europe: Crisis and Reflection premieres on Dramaten.se and the participating theatres' websites on Friday, June 12, at noon.

Dramatens repertoar hösten 201924.4.2019 08:26:31 CEST | Dramaten | Pressmeddelande

I dag släpps biljetterna till höstens repertoar på Dramaten, som bjuder på flera klassiker. Karl Dunér regisserar Becketts I väntan på Godot med bland andra Jonas Karlsson och Johan Ulveson i rollerna. Tre grekiska dramer finns också på repertoaren, Fedra / Hippolytos i en ny version av Tora von Platen och i regi av Tatu Hämäläinen och Ifigenia i Aulis i regi av Nadja Weiss. Dramaten kommer även turnera i landet och evakueras till Hötorget. Till våren gör Stina Wirsén, Sarah Riedel och Anna Vnuk en musikal för Unga Dramaten.
Svensk Kollektivtrafik

Ny studie: Kollektivtrafikens marknadsandel kan fördubblas med politiska åtgärder5.7.2016 14:40:00 CEST | Svensk Kollektivtrafik | Pressmeddelande

Det går att fördubbla kollektivtrafikens marknadsandel. Det visar en idéstudie som WSP tagit fram på uppdrag av Partnersamverkan för en förbättrad kollektivtrafik, som presenterades på ett seminarium i Almedalen. WSP har analyserat tre olika paket av åtgärder som alla når målet. Det samhällsekonomiskt mest effektiva skulle enligt idéstudien vara att satsa på ett kombinerat paket av både kollektivtrafikfrämjande och privatbilshämmande åtgärder.
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