13 träffarfunctional food

news aktuell GmbH

Companies of Schwarz Group and Google to Sign Partnership to Jointly Deliver Sovereign, Secure Workplace Productivity Solutions for Germany and Europe14.11.2024 16:09:46 CET | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Schwarz Digits’ Cloud STACKIT will provide local data storage for Google Workspace and offer client-side encryption, delivering a sovereign and secure workplace productivity solution with XM Cyber as enhanced security layer. The partnership will integrate XM Cyber’s Continuous Exposure Management with Google Cloud’s Security portfolio to develop new joint security offerings targeted at public and private sector organizations. The companies of Schwarz Group with 575,000 employees will transition to Google Workspace to maximize security, efficiency, and control of its data sovereignty.
Nordic SeaFarm

Nordic SeaFarm Secures 25 Million SEK in Capital with EIT InnoEnergy and Inter IKEA Group as Lead Investors27.8.2024 05:00:00 CEST | Nordic SeaFarm | Pressmeddelande

Nordic SeaFarm, a pioneering company in sustainable seaweed cultivation, proudly announces the successful closure of a capital increase round totaling 25 million SEK. The round was led by European innovation engine in sustainable energy InnoEnergy and Inter IKEA Group, marking a significant milestone in the company’s growth trajectory.

Leading Australian Technology, Communication and Productivity Solutions provider Enablo announces strategic partnership with the Super App for frontline workers Flip for Meta Workplace transition30.7.2024 08:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Enablo, a leading Australian technology, communication and productivity solutions provider and one of the largest partners of Meta’s enterprise communications software Workplace, announces a partnership that will allow Meta Workplace customers to integrate and transition to Flip’s Super App. The partnership between Enablo and Flip brings together two leading companies in the frontline technology space with the joint mission to shape the future of work.
news aktuell GmbH

Revolutionary Partnership Announced: How Wandarra and PAPACKS® Aim to Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste in Australia10.7.2024 09:10:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Townsville, North Queensland, July 10, 2024 – Wandarra, an innovative ag-tech solutions firm based in Townsville, North Queensland, and PAPACKS®, a global leader in sustainable packaging based in Cologne, Germany, are excited to announce a strategic partnership via a recently executed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The parties are currently working together to formalize the Australia-APAC exclusive IP licensing agreement with the target end date intended over the next few weeks. This partnership aims to transform the packaging industry across Australia and the Asia-Pacific, reducing plastic waste and supporting environmental sustainability by leveraging Wandarra’s regional resources and PAPACKS®’ cutting-edge technologies. Wandarra, based in the eco-friendly hub of Townsville near the Great Barrier Reef, capitalizes on its robust and efficient logistics network to distribute innovative hemp-based products. This location underscores Wandarra’s commitment to environmental stewardship
news aktuell GmbH

Grünenthal’s resiniferatoxin receives Breakthrough Therapy Designation from U.S. FDA for pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee22.5.2023 10:27:26 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive condition affecting over 360 million people worldwide and may have severe symptoms, including pain. Grünenthal is running a global Phase III programme to investigate the efficacy and safety of intra-articular injections of resiniferatoxin, a non-opioid therapy, in adults with pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation process aims to expedite the development of investigational medicines intended to treat severe conditions and where preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the drug may demonstrate substantial improvement over available therapy on clinically significant endpoints.
news aktuell GmbH

Food tech on its way to reshaping a multi trillion market​21.6.2022 13:06:01 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press Release

Bain & ZINTINUS: “The food sector is at a tipping point, about to grow exponentially” Transforming the global food sector to a more sustainable industry is important to improve consumer health and reduce the sector’s carbon footprint – it is also a means to secure food supply The transition of the food system opens enormous opportunity for value creation and thus also for entrepreneurs and investors Berlin & New York, June 21, 2022 – The transformation of the world’s food market towards a more sustainable model is now at a tipping point, within an annual global food market of US $ 8 trillion. Food sector transformation relies on innovation to deliver healthier diets, environmental-friendly production, and more sustainable food practices. A transformation of this size offers an opportunity of historic proportions, concludes a white paper co-authored by two seasoned food experts from Bain & Company and ZINTINUS, a food tech investment fund. “Transforming the global food sector into a mor
Svensk Dagligvaruhandel

ProPud Proteinmilkshake från NJIE utsedd till Årets Dagligvara 20176.10.2017 09:05:00 CEST | Svensk Dagligvaruhandel | Pressmeddelande

ProPud Proteinmilkshake från NJIE tog under torsdagskvällen (5 oktober) hem utmärkelsen Årets Dagligvara 2017. - NJIE har med sin ProPud Proteinmilkshake Choklad visat att innovativ produktutveckling i kombination med goda insikter i vad konsumenten efterfrågar kan ta ett företag långt in på dagligvaruhandelns hyllor, säger Karin Brynell ordförande för juryn i Årets Dagligvara. Förutom utmärkelsen får NJIE reklamutrymme till ett bruttovärde om 500 000 SEK hos sponsorn RIX FM. Marknadsanalysföretaget Nielsen ger vinnaren 100 000 att använda i deras tjänsteutbud. Läs mer om hur NJIE ProPud Proteinmilkshake Choklad och de två andra finalisterna, Paulúns Superknäcke från Orkla Foods och Kronfågel Kycklingbacon uppfyllde kriterierna. www.åretsdagligvara.se För ytterligare kontakt; Karin Brynell, ordförande i juryn för Årets Dagligvara, 0709-758085 Anna Jönsson, pressansvarig Årets Dagligvara, 0709- 803209 OM PRISET ÅRETS DAGLIGVARA Priset Årets Dagligvara tilldelas en produkt som under före
Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren

Funktionella drycker, megatrenden fortsätter10.6.2016 10:51:00 CEST | Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren | Blogginlägg

Förr skulle drycker smaka gott och släcka törsten. Idag ska även vår hälsa och våra sinnen få sitt. Dryckerna ska göra dig pigg och alert för både arbete och fritid, ge dig ett allmänt välbefinnande, vara hållbart producerade och helst smaka exotiskt eller ”som på mormors tid”. Världsmässan för dryckesteknik och flytande föda Drinktec 2017, mellan den 11 till 15 september 2017 i München, har lösningarna. Här hittar industrin rätt råvaror, tillsatser och koncept. Dagens konsumenter förväntar sig ett för dem anpassat utbud. Det kommer en ständig strid ström av nya drycker med nya smakvarianter. Området är så enormt brett och har utrymme för många framgångsrika produktinnovationer. Därför är det nödvändigt, att förutom de rätta tekniska lösningarna, ha lämpliga idéer och ingredienser. Drinktec satsar på att bygga ut området med ingredienser. Området presenterar bland annat färgämnen, aromer, vitaminer, mineraler, enzymer och emulsioner. Segmentet är viktigt både för den tillverkande dryck
Karolinska Institutet - English

Reading the pancreas through the eye19.11.2013 06:30:00 CET | Karolinska Institutet - English | Press Release

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found an innovative way to study glucose regulation in the body: by transferring the vital insulin-producing cells from the pancreas to the eye, the latter can serve as a kind of window through which health reports can be obtained from the former. The results, which are expected to have a significant impact on diabetes research, are published in scientific journal PNAS.
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