31 träffarswe edition

Sweden International Horse Show

Great comeback by Frida Andersén - from last to first place in the Agria Indoor Eventing2.12.2024 02:11:00 CET | Sweden International Horse Show | Pressmeddelande

Thursday evening she fell off the borrowed horse Stinger, but on Sunday, everything came together for Swedish Olympic rider Frida Andersén, who claimed the second victory of her career in the Agria Indoor Eventing at Strawberry Arena. “When I walked the course, I didn’t really have a clear plan”, Frida Andersén admitted at the press conference after the competition.
China International Import Expo

Global firms gear up for another rewarding run at CIIE 202423.5.2024 14:45:14 CEST | China International Import Expo | Press Release

Following another successful edition that saw a record number of participants and deals, the China International Import Expo (CIIE), which is hailed as an ideal place for global companies looking to enter the Chinese market, is poised to make an even bigger splash in 2024. Past CIIEs saw active participation of global brands “Thanks to the CIIE, we have improved our grasp of the potential of the Chinese market and developed stronger relationships with Chinese manufacturers, suppliers and customers,” said Daryl Lean, former vice president of sales and service exports at German truck manufacturer KION Group. Over the years, companies from 173 countries and regions have made appearances at the CIIE and carried out tentative transactions worth over $420 billion. Nearly 2,500 new products, technologies and services have debuted. As a six-time CIIE exhibitor, INAC-Instituto Nacional de Carnes has over the years showcased a variety of natural and quality Uruguayan meat products at the annual

Johnny’s lanserar grymma såser till grillen!17.5.2024 08:00:00 CEST | Johnnys | Pressmeddelande

Trots en mängd olika grillsåser i hyllan så smakar ingen som de här. Johnny’s Barbeque Buddies är grymma såser för den som vågar utmana smaklökarna. Från het, till rökig och pepprig – sju olika varianter av grillsköna såser, mayo, ketchup och dressing. Dessutom ett gäng knapriga chips, samt rubs med extra sting. 100% smaksäkert – och bästa sättet att lösa biffen i sommar. The one and only, Johnny’s, har varit svenskarnas hjälte i senapshyllan i snart 40 år. Barbeque Buddies är Johnny’s största lansering någonsin och består av grillgrymma tillbehör från såser till rubs och chips. Vissa är här för att stanna medan andra bara säger hej över sommaren. Heta nykomlingar som ska göra grillandet mer spännande och utmanande, åtminstone för smaklökarna. –Johnny's har alltid tagit ut svängarna och varit uppskattad för grymma smaker. I vårt nya barbeque-segment har vi tagit det till sin spets, säger Frida Källgren, Senior Brand manager för Johnny’s. Oavsett om du är självutnämnd pitmaster eller en
Gothenburg Horse Show

Mips Becomes Official Safety Partner of Gothenburg Horse Show24.11.2021 09:00:00 CET | Gothenburg Horse Show | Pressmeddelande

GOTHENBURG (20211124) – Gothenburg Horse Show is pleased to announce that Mips, a world leader within helmet based safety, will be the Official Safety Partner of Gothenburg Horse Show. The 45th edition of the industry-leading show will take place at the iconic Scandinavium arena on February 23-27, 2022. Equestrian sports are a foundational element of Mips with the brand introducing its first safety system at the Gothenburg Horse Show in 2007. “With its history in equestrian and focus on safety, it is very gratifying and feels like a natural connection to have Mips as our Official Safety Partner,” said Tomas Torgersen, Show Director of Gothenburg Horse Show since 1997. The Mips safety system is based on over 20 years of research and development together with the Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. To date, Mips has delivered over 20 million safety systems to more than 130 helmet manufacturers in helmet categories such as bicycle, snow, equestri
Grand Relations Sverige AB

Nytt initiativ lyfter det bästa inom Sveriges designscen10.6.2021 09:47:53 CEST | Grand Relations Sverige AB | Pressmeddelande

Mellan den 23 och 29 september anordnas för första gången designveckan "Stockholm Creative Edition" helt dedikerad till svensk design. Med huvudstadens levande siluett som fond öppnas showrooms, studios och pop-up-ytor och utställningar som välkomnar designintresserade. Designveckan blir en årlig mötesplats där det bästa Sverige har att erbjuda inom design visas upp för både allmänheten och arkitekt- och designbranschen. Både branschen och allmänheten har efterfrågat en designvecka under hösten med inspiration inom möbler, belysning, textil, golv, konsthantverk med mera. Initiativ och koncept är utvecklat av designbyrån Atmosfär by Attar.
Gothenburg Horse Show

Five weeks left to FEI World Cup™ Finals in Gothenburg25.2.2021 14:15:00 CET | Gothenburg Horse Show | Pressmeddelande

It’s only five weeks left to the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final and FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final in Gothenburg (SWE) 31 March – 4 April and it’s going to be a unique edition this year. What normally is one of the equestrian world’s largest meeting places, will this year be limited to a pure competition area, with no spectators, but there will be state of the art digital viewing for all our fans in Sweden and globally! Responses from National Federations that will be sending athletes to Gothenburg for the Finals have been very positive, providing assurance that there will be high-quality sport in the Scandinavium Arena. Defending Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ champion Steve Guerdat (SUI) is one of the athletes who has the Finals in Gothenburg in his sights this Easter. The start list for the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final, including title holder Isabell Werth (GER) will be announced after the final series qualifier in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NED), 11-14 March 2021. Together with loca

Säljstart för Q5 Sportback och SQ5 Sportback - sportiga, praktiska och eleganta26.11.2020 12:40:57 CET | Audi | Pressmeddelande

Audi startar nu försäljningen av Q5 Sportback. Konceptet kallas Crossover Utility Vehicle, i korthet CUV, och Audi Q5 Sportback är den tredje i modellprogrammet efter Q3 Sportback och e-tron Sportback. Cupén med sina vackra linjer är tänkt för kunder som uppskattar inte bara design och tekniska innovationer, utan även en sportig karaktär och hög grad av praktisk funktion. Modellen toppas med SQ5 Sportback med treliters TDI-motor som ger 341 hk och 700 Nm vridmoment.
Sweden International Horse Show

​Sweden International Horse Show will be back on November 25-28, 202114.10.2020 13:00:00 CEST | Sweden International Horse Show | Press Release

After extensive efforts to find alternative scenarios to stage Sweden International Horse Show as a Special Edition in February 2021, adapted to the current situation with covid-19, the Organizing Committee has been forced to take the difficult decision to cancel the show this winter. - Our audience expect sports and show at the absolute highest level, and a fantastic atmosphere. With the on-going pandemic, and the restrictions it implies, we can not guarantee this for the coming winter. It is a tough decision to make, but we are convinced that when we stage SIHS we have to meet the high expectations from our audience, says Christin Ericsson, Event Director, Sweden International Horse Show. The show this winter was going to offer several exciting news, with a new arena layout and new competition formats. The team behind SIHS will now develop these solutions even further and are excited to invite the audience to a fantastic event in November 2021. Book the dates November 25-28, 2021, al
Sweden International Horse Show

New dates for Sweden International Horse Show – February 18-21, 202110.6.2020 19:10:10 CEST | Sweden International Horse Show | Press Release

Due to the current Corona pandemic, the Sweden International Horse Show Organising Committee has decided to postpone this year's event. New dates are set to February 18 to 21, 2021. - It is with regret we have had to make this decision, but it is also a good thing that we are able to reach the conclusion to postpone this year's show so early in the process. We now have the best possible conditions to plan for a great event. We're determined to give our audience, as well as all of our riders and artists a truly memorable horse show, says Event Director Christin Ericsson. Sweden International Horse Show has since the start in 1993 taken place by late November and early December. Instead of a show normally filled with Christmas spirit, this special February edition will offer other crowd pleasers. The core concept of the event remains the same: to offer international competitions and shows of highest possible quality. - Like the rest of the international top riders, I really long to get s

The Ingmar Bergman International Theatre Festival changes its format in 20202.4.2020 15:02:00 CEST | Dramaten | Press Release

Uncertainty about how the covid-19 pandemic will develop in the world over the next six months has prompted the organisers of the Ingmar Bergman International Theatre Festival to change and adapt its programme. Originally conceived as a festival offering a meeting place for international dramatic art, the Royal Dramatic Theatre is now looking at the possibility of offering its audiences a few of the guest performances spread out over a year.
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