Hogia AB

Hogia and Seastreak in breakthrough deal

Hogia Ferry Systems is implementing its market-leading BOOKIT reservation, ticketing and check-in solution under a contract with new client Seastreak, the US fast ferry operator. This breakthrough agreement further strengthens Hogia´s strong foothold in North America and also enables Seastreak to launch a state-of-the-art e-commerce platform.
Seastreak, the US fast-ferry operator invests in a new reservation system from the Swedish IT software company Hogia.
Seastreak, the US fast-ferry operator invests in a new reservation system from the Swedish IT software company Hogia.

Family-owned Seastreak runs a high-frequency commuter and excursions operation between New Jersey and New York, and a string of May to October tourist services in New England.  With 1.5 million passengers per year stretching capacity, the company has just added a $13 million newbuild to its existing fleet of seven twin-hulled catamarans, three of which are being re-powered and refurbished in a further investment of $11m. 

Seastreak director of marketing Brett Chamberlain says: “This is a much-needed investment. Our website does the job in attracting interest but we have had challenges converting that interest into online sales.  Seamless transfer of data between our in-house systems and our e-commerce platform was critical to our decision. We met several providers but we were very impressed with Hogia’s heavy investment in the enabling API (application programme interface), a prerequisite for advanced web development.  We also connected with their understated work ethic – they are family-owned like us and we simply trusted them to deliver.”        

The Hogia solution will be the reservation platform to enhance Seastreak’s currently limited online support – there is limited facility onmobile devices, tickets have to be collected at terminals and commuter route boarding is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.  Under the agreement, the new system will come on stream in two phases, led by the seasonal routes this spring and with commuter services scheduled to follow.

Hogia Ferry Systems managing director Niclas Blomstrom added: “We are exceptionally happy to enter this partnership with a like-minded company and look forward to playing our part in driving Seastreak’s long track record of growth.”




Seastreak, the US fast-ferry operator invests in a new reservation system from the Swedish IT software company Hogia.
Seastreak, the US fast-ferry operator invests in a new reservation system from the Swedish IT software company Hogia.


About Hogia AB

Hogia AB
Hogia AB

About Hogia Ferry Systems

Hogia Ferry Systems is a standard software supplier, providing ferry operators with reservation systems, advanced real-time passenger information systems and other transport related solutions. The main product is called the BOOKIT Reservation System.

Hogia Ferry Systems is part of the Hogia Group, one of Sweden's largest software companies. The Hogia Group comprises 27 companies in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom with over 600 employees. With software as a common denominator, the Hogia Group currently operates in three business areas: finance and business systems, human resource systems, and transport systems.

The transport business area focuses on delivering integrated solutions for ferry reservations, port terminal operating, road transport and public transport to customers in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North and South America.

For more information please visit www.hogia.com

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