Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB

Mannheimer Swartling opens new office in Singapore

Mannheimer Swartling is proud to announce the opening of its new office in Singapore. The new office, situated adjacent to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and the world leading International Court of Arbitration (ICC), will serve as the hub for the firm’s dispute resolution practice in Asia.

Singapore continues to attract an ever increasing number of international disputes. The establishment of the new Singapore office is therefore a natural step for Mannheimer Swartling’s top-tier international arbitration practice.

- Singapore is attracting more and more major international arbitrations. We believe that this development will not only continue, but rather accelerate, says Jan Dernestam, Managing Partner at Mannheimer Swartling.

- Singapore is already an important hub for major investments and business negotiations. The legal environment is attractive for foreign companies doing business in Asia. With the establishment of our new office and a new China/APAC desk in Sweden, we continue to assist our clients with their business in China and Asia at large. This way, we build on our unique competence and experience from the firm’s long standing presence in Shanghai and Hong Kong. I am excited to see what lies ahead, says Jakob Ragnwaldh, Partner in Mannheimer Swartling's Dispute Resolution practice group, based in Singapore.

The Dispute Resolution team in Singapore is fully integrated with the firm's Dispute Resolution practice group in Sweden and Moscow, as well as with the rest of the firm’s lawyers. For large and complex cases that require special local expertise, the firm also benefits from its well-established network of local law firms in Singapore.



About Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB

Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB
Box 1711
111 87 Stockholm

040-698 59 34

Mannheimer Swartling provides businesses with high-quality legal advice globally. The firm works with many of Sweden’s, and the world’s, leading companies and organisations. A common feature for the firm’s clients is that law plays a vital role in their business success. We are a full service firm with seven offices in five countries. For several consecutive years, we have been chosen as the favourite law firm of both clients and students. Read more about us at

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