Mannheimer Swartling launches new diversity project to support students on their path to university
Study for Life accepts applications from students who have just finished their first year of high school (gymnasium) and come from families where neither parent has a Swedish academic education. Each participant will have two mentors to follow their development and provide support. Programme activities include study visits, inspirational lectures and the opportunity to develop practical skills such as presentation giving.
- The goal is to make the road to university feel shorter. The majority of our employees have their roots in Sweden, and this is not unusual in our industry sector. We hope that Study for Life will contribute to increased diversity – both at Swedish universities and hopefully also in the business community, says Jan Dernestam, Managing Partner at Mannheimer Swartling.
Azadeh Razani and Sixto Rios are both involved as mentors in Study for Life.
- For me, it has been important to have role models and mentors for inspiration and support. Sometimes, your own thoughts can be the thing standing in your way. A chat with a mentor can hopefully inspire students and give them that extra “push”, says Azadeh Razani, Partner at Mannheimer Swartling.
- I came to Sweden when I was 18 years old. I could not speak a single word of Swedish back then. It is thanks to hard work – and a little bit of luck – that I have been able to pursue a career in financial law at Sweden's biggest law firm. Good academic grades opened a lot of doors for me, says Sixto Rios, Senior Associate at Mannheimer Swartling.
Helena SjöholmHead of Marketing and Communications
Tel:+46 709 777 934helena.sjoholm@msa.seJan DernestamManaging Partner
Tel:+46 709 777 348jan.dernestam@msa.seAbout Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB

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111 87 Stockholm
040-698 59 34
Mannheimer Swartling is one of the leading business law firms in the Nordic region. The firm works with many of Sweden’s, and the world’s, leading companies and organisations. A common feature for the firm’s clients is that law plays a vital role in their business success. We are a full service firm with seven offices in five countries. For several consecutive years, we have been chosen the favourite law firm of both clients and students. Read more about us at
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