Odette Sweden

Nyhetsbrev oktober 2019


Hello everyone!
I believe you have already noted that this newsletter is in English. 😉
We decided that all communication where we have English speaking people, must be available also to them.
Autumn is here and it’s already raining sideways in Gothenburg. Despite that, we had 25 international guests, for the Odette International TC (Technical Committee) meeting in Gothenburg, September 25-26.

We have also had the annual NAF/Odette member meeting on September 18th and at least according to the ten people I have spoken to, it was an interesting and good day. I would like to once again thank both speakers and visitors for coming. Both Mattias Bergman, Chairman of Odette Sweden and CEO of Bil Sweden and Fredrik Sidahl, CEO of Fordonskomponentgruppen spoke on the megatrends in the Automotive Industry from different perspectives, which I believe was an eye-opener for many visitors. We have the whole day on video, so I hope we can post that soon. I will let you know where to find it! Presentations from the meeting are available when logged in on Odette.se

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ALSO! Effective 23/9, we now have an online discussion forum for any member that wants to join. Intention is to speed up technical and logical questions and I hope that a collaboration between OEM, suppliers and IT experts will lead to quicker solutions. I have at least five questions on my desk now that could probably be discussed and solved in the forum within minutes, instead of waiting for the next meeting. Please make sure that you register at: http://odette-sweden-online.freeforums.net/

Current activities, Odette Sweden:

We had meetings with both OEM- and NAF Group on September 4th. OEM meeting brought up a few issues that will appear as topics in the different forums shortly. NAF meeting was mostly about the coming member meeting. We will have meeting with both groups again in later October.

The Swedish TC had a meeting on August 28th at AB Volvo, Lundby. We had some preparations of material for the Odette International TC in Gothenburg and also some practical discussions on some topics. All is available in the presentation and minutes from the meeting.

PLM core team had a Skype meeting August 29th to plan for the rest of the year. Conclusion was a meeting with the full team at Volvo Cars on October 23rd.

We will perform an EDI training on October 3rd and this time in Stockholm. We also had planned an MMOG trainig, focused on MMOG.np and V5 on September 17th but we had to postpone that due to few participants. We will publish information on when we will have it shortly.

The advanced EDI training is still under consideration but there is a poll in the online forum and if we find an interest there, we will go for it. Please cast your vote at: http://odette-sweden-online.freeforums.net/

Odette International TC – Gothenburg 25-26/9

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Odette International Technical Committee met in Gothenburg for two full days on September 25-26, kicking it off with a very nice ride on the Volvo Cars Blue Train through the factory and then an equally interesting visit through Volvo Cars RA (Spare Parts). Many thanks to Volvo Cars for hospitality!
Meeting then continued with a full agenda resulting in a one-and-a-half-hour delay in the agenda already the first day. Interesting topics and 25 engaged people easily do that to a meeting.

However, the meeting was a great success in every aspect resulting in very happy people leaving us.
Meeting was held in Sjoebodarna (Sjöbodarna) so many thanks also to the AB Volvo people who arranged that.

I will report the meeting in all our forums and to the board but to give you a short briefing, two new projects within Odette International were launched:
1. To create XML twin messages for all Global EDIFACT messages (proposed by Odette Sweden).
2. To update the RFID/Smart label guidelines to get a simpler and more precise implementation process.

Also, some finished projects were presented in more detail than before:
1. MMOG.np and Version 5 launched and ready to use.
2. Packaging Management Guidelines (RTI, Returnable Transport Items), guidelines and EDIFACT specifications published.
3. Arriving trucks (to plant) management, an application to manage and direct arriving trucks automatically to the correct position at the plant (VDA). Guidelines in German available, to be translated shortly also to English.

Future Odette International activities:
Odette International: 
The Odette International Board will meet next time in London November 19th with

TC Odette International:
Next meeting will be held December 11-12 in Paris.

Odette International Conference 2020:
As many of you already know, next Odette conference will be in Prague on 25-26 of May 2020. Topics and speakers is being discussed but will surely be as interesting as always.

MMOG/LE – Unfortunately, we had to cancel the MMOG/LE (MMOG.np/V5) training we had scheduled for September 17th, due to few participants. We will continue to coordinate with the Swedish OEM’s so that we can achieve good timing with their migration to MMOG.np and V5 questions. We will schedule training(s) during Q4 2019.

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New/current projects – Odette International:
XML full version – As mentioned before, Odette Sweden has proposed a project to generate XML twins of all Global messages. The idea is not to replace EDIFACT, but to have an alternative for markets and people that prefer XML. It is established that there is technology, so if a change is made to EDIFACT, it’s just a click away to also update the XML. Project is approved and will start during Q4 2019.

MMOG/LE – MMOG.np and V5 questions are fully available and a few stakeholders in Europe has already started their migration. The global harmonization of MMOG training continues but is almost ready. 

Packaging Management Guidelines: As mentioned above, the guidelines and EDIFACT specifications is fully published and some OEM’s in Europe has already started implementing. Even though the whole scope seems complicated, it’s possible to scale the scope down and to implement the concept step by step however, still gaining benefits from each step. The full scope takes eventualities into account, which are not necessarily there.

Finished Vehicle Logistics (Digitalization of):
Work in this project is proceeding and even though a few segments has run a bit late, the group aims to have the guidelines ready during later 2020.

Packaging Management/Next generation packaging
I have recently met with old friends at GS1 (EAN) to have a brief introduction to SRS (Svenska Retursystem) and the Swedish Food & Beverage industry concept for sharing of returnable packaging. I am quite familiar with it since earlier but have now also scheduled a meeting with their CEO, to get a more detailed presentation, to see if we can find new ideas for our industry. I will of course report this back after the meeting.

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Michael Bogren



About Odette Sweden

Odette Sweden
Odette Sweden
Storgatan 19
100 41 Stockholm

08-700 41 00https://www.odette.se/

Odette Sweden är ett medlemsfinansierat samarbetsorgan med de svenska fordonstillverkarna som viktigaste intressenter. Verksamheten drivs inom Odette Sweden AB, ett av BIL Sweden helägt bolag. Odette Sweden arbetar med att, genom internationellt samarbete, få fram gemensamma standarder för fordonstillverkarna och dess leverantörer inom följande områden: 

- e-Business 
- Automatisk Identifiering 
- Logistikutveckling 
- Produktdatakommunikation

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Latest releases from Odette Sweden

Newsletter October 202016.10.2020 11:19:00 CEST | Press release

Dear friends and colleagues!I hope you are all safe and healthy! We’re still in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis and even though life in some respects seems to be slowly returning to normal, there’s still a big uncertainty in other areas. We had plans to meet for an Odette International TC (TG) meeting in London on September 17-18 but due to uncertainty on safety and quarantine regulations, also this meeting had to be digitalized. However, good meeting with interesting topics and many steps forward for current and coming projects. Brief report to be found below. In Odette Sweden, we also continue to work from mainly from home and most meetings and activities are digital until we know it’s safe to meet. However, I believe we are getting better and more efficient in digital meetings and generally, we are not losing pace in projects. Activities that requires F2F are however postponed until we know better! On September 21st, we kicked off the Blockchain project however, since we have an o

Odette newsletter June 202016.6.2020 13:31:00 CEST | Pressmeddelande

Dear friends and colleagues! I hope you are all safe and well! Since mid-March, we have worked from home and digitalized all meetings and activities in the Odette community. However, projects, TG- and board meetings and other activities has continued with almost normal pace. Also, new ideas for projects, evaluation of new technologies and other interesting things has emerged and will be shortly presented. It’s still not safe to meet in person however, I have made a few visits to both OEM and suppliers the last two weeks and experience that people respect the guidelines to keep distance very well. We also had a combined NAF/TC meeting in Odette Sweden, mostly to keep in contact and plan as far as we can for autumn but also to inform on the ongoing activities and proposals in the pipeline. As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, we investigated the OEM and supplier interest in starting a project on “Ramp-up Capacity Reporting” in the supply chain. There’s an interest in the group but

Newsletter March EXTRA25.3.2020 12:13:00 CET | Pressmeddelande

Hello everyone! So much is already written and said about the Covid-19 virus and the terrible situation it is creating right now, so I don’t think there’s anything more to say really. Therefore, this will only be a simple information regarding Odette Sweden postponing all F2F activities at this time, but we are at service and available, so please don’t hesitate if there’s anything we can do. If the situation requires, we will schedule all meetings as web meetings until we are 100% sure it’s safe to meet. All current activities in Odette International are also either postponed or transformed to digital meetings indefinitely and until we are sure it’s safe to travel and meet. All projects and other activities are however proceeding but via digital means. Please also note that the Odette Conference has been postponed until November 16-17 2020 and I will inform you all when registration is re-opened. Hope to see you in Prague then! Stay safe, take good care of yourself and each other and h

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