Kungliga Operan

Nicolas Le Riche's appointment extended until 2025

Ballet Director Nicolas Le Riche has agreed to stay another two years as Artistic director of the Royal Swedish Ballet. The extended contract lasts until the summer of 2025.
Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera
Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera

»I look forward to continuing to work with the dancers of the Royal Swedish Ballet, we have worked hard and achieved great success in recent years despite the pandemic. Together with the management, I will work on building the next chapter in the history of the dance company«, says Nicolas Le Riche.

»Nicolas has led the Royal Ballet to significant audience success and I have confidence that he will continue to do so for the next two years as well. In parallel with this, the ongoing development work in ballet will continue with the aim of ensuring a long-term sustainable and successful organization for all employees. I am pleased that Nicolas has chosen to accept to stay with us at the Royal Swedish Opera for some time yet«, says CEO Fredrik Lindgren.

Nicolas Le Riche took over as Artistic director of the Royal Swedish Ballet in 2017. Since then, the ballet company, which next year celebrates 250 years, has had great success with productions such as Swan Lake, Eskapist and works by Mats Ek, Jiri Kylián, Ohad Naharín, George Balanchine, Angelin Preljocaj and Jiri Bubenichek, among others. The latest commissioned work Cinderella in choreography by Tamara Rojo, which was the success of the spring, will have its re-opening on December 2.




Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera
Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera
Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Henrik Halvarsson
Nicolas Le Riche, Artistic director Royal Swedish Ballet. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera / Henrik Halvarsson

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Kungliga Operan
Kungliga Operan
Box 16094
103 22 Stockholm

08-791 43 00https://www.operan.se/

Kungliga Operan är sedan 1773 Sveriges nationalscen för opera och balett.

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