Anna Magnusson appointed new Chief Active Ownership Officer at Första AP-fonden
Anna Magnusson joins from a role as specialist in corporate governance at Alecta and has previously held several senior roles within the Government Offices of Sweden, including being a Director General and Head of Department, responsible for sustainability and corporate governance issues at the department of state-owned enterprises.
- "With Anna Magnusson, the Fund is getting a Chief Active Ownership Officer who has extensive experience of corporate governance combined with an understanding of our mission. As a responsible owner, this role is very central to us and Anna's commitment to sustainability issues and corporate governance will contribute in a positive way. Anna also has solid analytical expertise in corporate governance that will be valuable to the fund and the companies we own. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our current Chief Active Ownership Officer Ossian Ekdahl for his 24 years of service at the Fund as he now embarks on new challenges," says Magdalena Håkansson, Head of ESG at Första AP-fonden.
- "I look forward to contributing to the important public policy assignments of the AP Funds as Chief Active Ownership Officer at Första AP-fonden. My work will include continuing to strengthen the Fund's role as a responsible owner and contributing to sustainable value creation," says Anna Magnusson.
As previously communicated, Ossian Ekdahl will devote himself to research in law and economics and take on certain board assignments. Ossian will remain in his role at AP1 until Anna Magnusson takes over on June 1st, 2023.
Sara ChristensenHead of CommunicationsAP1
Tel:46 (0)70-968 12 50sara.christensen@ap1.seMagdalena HåkanssonHead of ESG
Tel:08-566 202 00Images

About Första AP-fonden
Första AP-fonden (AP1)
Första AP-fonden (AP1) is one of five pension funds in the Swedish national income pension system (the AP Funds). AP1 has assets under management of SEK 421 billion (31 December 2022) in a portfolio consisting of listed and unlisted equities, fixed income securities, currency, real estate, hedge funds, private equity funds and infrastructure. Investments are made worldwide. AP1 is a long-term investor and an active, engaged owner. As an owner the Fund imposes stringent demands in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance.
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Latest releases from Första AP-fonden
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