"Dance" and Carina turned Scandinavium up to boiling point
The World Cup dressage at the Gothenburg Horse show brought the large audience in Scandinavium to a real dancing party when the best Swedish combinations gave it all and the international stars accepted the challenge.

Carina Cassøe Krüth and her wonderful mare Heiline's Danciera aka “Danse” took their second World Cup qualifier victory of the season after starting with a home win at Vilhelmsborg. They also produced a test that was fractions off a new personal best and Carina Cassøe Krüth thanked the crowd:
- We train and create our programs for you - I hope you enjoyed it, she said during the victory interview in Scandinavium.
Scandinavium responded with deafening applause from ringside and all the way up under the roof.
- I'm so grateful that I once again had such a fantastic ride with "Danse", it's not that common that you get such great rides two days in a row. It feels like the Swedish audience likes me and I love them, this is about to become my second home.
Carina Cassøe Krüth has ridden and developed "Danse" since she was four years old and has, among other things, started in the Young Horse world championships together, they know each other really well.
- Nowadays, we don't really work so much on improving things technically, instead we train to become more and more harmonious together in all situations, more and better interaction. I am so grateful to the Thøgersen family who lets me keep "Danse" and our collaboration is not only described by partnership, it is more than that, we are like a family.
Isabell Werth had a better ride with DSP Quantaz and was really happy with her stallion. In the final halt –Scandinavium's spectators applauded themalong the way – she leaned forward with tears in her eyes and patted him behind the ears. Not even dressage queen Isabell Werth is immune to fantastic experiences on horseback. She is in a good position to get one of the two tickets Germany can receive to the World Cup final in Omaha.
- I have things I need to practice more at home with Quantaz to sharpen us even more. It is fantastic to be able to compete in Scandinavium with this audience and I think it is wonderful that you let the pony riders come and compete in such good conditions as in the series Sverigeponnyn, it is really good, said Isabell Werth.
Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Zack took care of third place in their impressive program where the stallion really came into his own. In the last halt, Nanna looked up at the ceiling and smiled with her whole face, accepting the crowd's cheers. She is third in the World Cup standings now and goes to the final in Omaha with Blue Hors Zepter, one of her THREE qualified Grand Prix horses, the fourth missing a qualifier. That is probably a record in itself.
The best Swede was Johanna Due Boje and Mazy Klövenhöj who had a more relaxed ride than during the Grand Prix class.
- Mazy was eager but was much more with me and I was able to let her forward more and I am very happy with my piaffe and passage. Then we made seventeen nice one-tempis but missed our two-tempis and without a joker line I couldn't repair it. I'm happy though, she has so much energy, she could work for days on end. Now we are doing a new course with a higher degree of difficulty and aiming for the outdoor season as our next start, in March we will stay at home and train, said a more satisfied Johanna Due Boje.
The World Cup series continues in mid-March with a final round in 's-Hertogenboch before the finals take place on April 4-8 in Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Om Gothenburg Horse Show
Gothenburg Horse Show är en av världens ledande inomhustävlingar i ridsport och är ett evenemang som återkommer årligen. Sedan starten våren 1977 har över 3 miljoner hästälskare besökt evenemanget. Tävlingarna arrangeras av Got Event AB på uppdrag av FEI, det internationella ridsportförbundet, samt Svenska Ridsportförbundet. Vi samarbetar även med hästsportmässan EuroHorse i Svenska Mässan.
2024 års tävlingar genomförs 21-25 februari.

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