Kungliga Operan

World premiere of Melancholia, a groundbreaking opera experience on the road to a comforting doom


Based on Lars von Trier's blockbuster film, created by composer Mikael Karlsson and librettist Royce Vavrek. With great international voices in the lead roles, a complex and innovative soundscape is presented with beats, synthesizers and surround sound in symbiosis with the acoustic universe of the Royal Swedish Orchestra. A genre-defying opera experience that, despite its serious undertone, also has elements of humour and consolation. Melancholia will have its world premiere on the Royal Swedish Opera's Main Stage on October 21, at 15.00.

Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.

»Melancholia's music is born out of noir jazz with a darkness that you can step into. It's sensual, complex and dramatic with beats, synths and surround sound that will provide a large and modern soundscape« says composer Mikael Karlsson, who together with Canadian librettist Royce Vavrek finally presents his interpretation of Lars von Trier's blockbuster film, premiering at the Royal Swedish Opera on October 21.  

»Opera is generally a stage for big ideas, and in this opera we have the big ideas, but we also have some really, really intimate moments between sisters, between a mother and a daughter. I hope that people who have never bought a ticket to the Opera can consider coming and seeing this, because it's not what you’d expect, it's something completely new and a real interdisciplinary piece that is different from anything I've worked on before«, says Royce Vavrek.

The premiere, which was originally scheduled for October 7, has been postponed due to a tragic accident at the Opera House. Melancholia will be performed until November 4.

The story is driven by three strong female portrayals of American soprano Lauren Snouffer as Justine, Rihab Chaieb from Canada as her sister Claire and Swedish international star soprano Anne Sofie von Otter as their cold mother Gaby. The men in the story are portrayed by Jens Persson Hertzman, Ola Eliasson, Johan Edholm and Mikael Stenbeck. Together with the Royal Swedish Orchestra and the Royal Swedish Opera Chorus, conducted by Andrea Molino, they present a genre-defying opera experience that, despite its serious keynote, also has elements of humour and comfort. The director is Slovakian Sláva Daubnerová, who has previously been noted and praised for her analysis of female identity.


JUSTINE: Lauren Snouffer

CLAIRE: Rihab Chaieb

GABY: Anne Sofie von Otter

MICHAEL: Jens Persson Hertzman

JOHN: Ola Eliasson

JACK: Johan Edholm

TIM: Mikael Stenbaek

LEO: Nils Chin Nygård/Anton Textorius

The Royal Swedish Orchestra
The Royal Swedish Opera Chorus

MUSIC: Mikael Karlsson

TEXT: Royce Vavrek, based on Lars von Trier's film

ORCHESTRATION: Michael P. Atkinson & Mikael Karlsson

CONDUCTOR: Andrea Molino

DIRECTOR: Sláva Daubnerová

SCENOGRAPHY: Boris Kudlicka

COSTUME: Chrisi Karvonides-Dushenko

LIGHTING: Tom Visser

SOUND DESIGN: Avgoustos Psillas

VIDEO: Bartek Macias

DRAMATURGY: Katarina Aronsson

CHOREOGRAPHY: Charlotta Öfverholm

Performed in English with Swedish subtitles.

Media files:The making of Melancholia - music - YouTube

The making of Melancholia - libretto - YouTube



Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera /Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera /Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Jens Persson Hertzman and Lauren Snouffer. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Jens Persson Hertzman and Lauren Snouffer. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer and Anne Sofie von Otter. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer and Anne Sofie von Otter. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Rihab Chaieb. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Rihab Chaieb. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer and Anton Textorius. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer and Anton Textorius. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera/ Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Lauren Snouffer. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Pressbilderna får endast användas i samband med Kungliga Operans föreställningsverksamhet. Otillåten exemplarframställning beivras.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Rihab Chaieb. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Rihab Chaieb. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Foto: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Jens Persson Hertzman. Foto: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Jens Persson Hertzman. Foto: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swedish Opera / Sören Vilks Press photos are for editorial purposes only in conjunction with the Royal Swedish Opera’s performances. Unauthorised reproduction of photos will be prosecuted.
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Ola Eliasson. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Ola Eliasson. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Sören Vilks
Royal Swdish Opera / Sören Vilks Pressbilderna får endast användas i samband med Kungliga Operans föreställningsverksamhet. Otillåten exemplarframställning beivras.
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Melancholia, Kungliga Operan 2023. Composer Mikael Karlsson. Photo: Kungliga Operan/Markus Gårder
Melancholia, Kungliga Operan 2023. Composer Mikael Karlsson. Photo: Kungliga Operan/Markus Gårder
Royal Swedish Opera / Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera
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Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Composer Mikael Karlsson. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Markus Gårder
Melancholia, Royal Swedish Opera 2023. Composer Mikael Karlsson. Photo: Royal Swedish Opera/Markus Gårder
Royal Swedish Opera/ Markus Gårder Royal Swedish Opera
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About The Royal Swedish Opera

The Royal Swedish Opera is Sweden’s national theatre for opera and ballet, founded by Gustav III in 1773. 2023, we celebrate our 250 year's anniversary. Every year, a number of productions are staged here: everything from brand-new works to classical masterpieces. We respect tradition, while embracing the future – in our three main areas: opera, ballet, and activities for children and young people.

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