Lindholmen Science Park

Four startups join MobilityXlab to collaborate and innovate with automotive industry leaders


Juteborg (Sweden), Quanscient (Finland), Tether (Sweden) and TG0 (United Kingdom) are the new startups joining the collaboration program

Founders of Juteborg, Tether and TG0 presented their startups to the Gothenburg innovation ecosystem at an event at MobilityXlab.
Founders of Juteborg, Tether and TG0 presented their startups to the Gothenburg innovation ecosystem at an event at MobilityXlab. Lindholmen Science Park

The collaboration platform MobilityXlab has invited four startups to join the program’s twelfth batch. The emerging companies Juteborg (Sweden), Quanscient (Finland), Tether (Sweden) and TG0 (United Kingdom) will now be part of the program for at least six months to collaborate with global industry leaders CEVT, Ericsson, Magna, Polestar, Volvo Group and Zenseact. The goal is for startups and corporates to co-create innovative solutions for safe, sustainable and accessible transportation. 

The startups bring to the table products and technologies like prediction and optimization of charging for electric vehicles, more sustainable and lightweight materials, and quantum computing for faster development of automotive parts. These innovations can support MobilityXlab partner companies in solving complex challenges or enhancing their product and service offers. 

An example is TG0, founded in 2015 in the United Kingdom, at the forefront of developing a revolutionary touch-sensitive surface technology that operates without traditional electronic or mechanical components. This innovation positions TG0 uniquely in sectors ranging from consumer electronics to automotive interfaces. 

"Joining MobilityXlab marks another milestone in TG0's journey, building on the success and recognition garnered among automotive OEMs. We are excited for the opportunity to further elevate our influence and contribution to the enhancement of automotive human-machine interfaces, sustainability, and safety standards within the industry," states Jakub Kamecki, Chief Commercial Officer at TG0. 

The focus of MobilityXlab on providing a structure framework for collaboration has resulted in more than 100 validation projects, showcasing the potential of merging established industry knowledge with the agility and innovation of startups. In addition, MobilityXlab has also recorded 19 accelerations, or commercial contracts between startups and industry partners, since it has been founded, in 2017. 

The relationship between established and emerging companies has great potential, as the mobility industry identifies collaboration areas to solve complex challenges, like moving towards carbon neutrality. Startups provide new perspectives and solutions to the industry’s tech development potential. 

A recent example of this sort of relationship and its benefits is the project between the MobilityXlab portfolio startup Reselo and CEVT, Polestar, Volvo Group and Volvo Cars. Together, they are going to test possible applications of low-emission rubber produced from tree bark in vehicles.  

“I am thrilled to announce the addition of Juteborg, Quanscient, Tether, and TG0 to our portfolio, collaborating with industry leaders for six months on cutting-edge solutions for safe, sustainable, and accessible transportation. The success over the years of hosting over 100 validation projects along with 19 accelerations showcases our commitment to bridging the gap between startups and giants in the automotive industry. We're not just pleased with the results; we're excited about the endless possibilities these collaborations bring. MobilityXlab is more than a platform; it's a driving force propelling the automotive industry into a future defined by innovation, collaboration, and positive change." says Katarina Brud, director at MobilityXlab. 



About MobilityXlab

MobilityXlab is a collaboration hub founded in 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden, by global companies to create and develop new innovations within future mobility – with each other and with startups. Our seven partners are CEVT, Ericsson, Polestar, Magna, Volvo Group, and Zenseact. Lindholmen Science Park is the host organization. MobilityXlab is also supported by Region Västra Götaland and Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency. Over the first six years, MobilityXlab has seen startups applying from more than 50 countries. The collaboration platform has resulted in 112 proof-of-concepts and 19 accelerations, in the form of commercial contracts or partnerships.

About the startups

Juteborg (Sweden) 
Juteborg is a R&D partner and provider of hightech composites; JuTech™, based on the natural fiber jute. Our lightweight material replaces glass- and carbon fiber, plastic, and metals without compromising on quality, price or social aspects. We deliver circular system solutions across industries; automotive, construction, textile, and packaging. 

Quanscient (Finland) 
Quanscient is revolutionizing multiphysics simulations using cloud and quantum computing. We can reduce simulation time from days to coffee breaks already today with cloud computing. With quantum, we will enable the impossible simulations of today. 

Tether (Sweden) 
Tether is the world's leading prediction & optimization engine for EV charging. Tether learns the behavior of millions of individual Electric Vehicle drivers to unlock the full value of their flexibility. 

TG0 (United Kingdom) 
We aim to revolutionise the way people interact with physical products. We envision a future where physical products are transformed from ordinary to extraordinary through a user experience that’s ergonomic, intuitive, and responsive. By redefining touch with our unique smart surface technology, we provide our customers with the ability to effortlessly bridge the gap between analog and digital. 

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